Insert Part Quantities in Drawing

Hi all


I want to retrieve my quantities of parts from an assembly to automatically insert them into the cartridge of my drawing.

Does SolidWorks have this feature?



I imagine that I need to create a nomenclature to extract a "quantity" field that will be copied into the correct drawing; but this is code??


Thank you for your help.


I don't think there is a variable that counts the number of components in an assembly. We're going to have to add up!

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Maybe you can do it by retrieving the article numbers, because it increments in relation to the number of parts to be checked.

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Hi @jpguignard


See these tutorials


@+ ;-)

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If you look in "evaluate-visualize the assembly" you will find your quantities, but I don't know how to insert them in the drawing; Even if you create a bill of materials you can't import the quantities in your details.  Alas, it will help me a lot too!

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I agree @Tomalam, you won't be able to get the quantity back into the room just with SolidWorks. A macro should allow this.


But be careful, in your way of operating, you never reuse your components? Your "single-use" sound plans, just for a machine?

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Inserting the assembly BOM directly into the part plan is possible but a bit time-consuming.



1) open the assembly and drawing of the part,

2) in the drawing of the part from the views palette (tab of the task pane on the right) select the assembly from the drop-down menu at the top,

3) add a view of the assembly outside the part drawing sheet,

4) select the assembly view before the next step,

5) insert the assembly BOM (with a template that would contain only the code and quantity for example),

6) hide the lines of the nomenclature that you don't want to see with a "right-click > hide".


There you go!


Otherwise it should be possible by using a macro in VB.


In addition, this method has the advantage of always being up to date in quantities! Whereas with a macro, it would have to be restarted each time the plan is opened!


See this tutorial

 the  B to BA of an assembly BOM in SolidWorks


@+ ;-)

Otherwise, this macro does the job, probably to be adapted:


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Thank you Lucas Prieur


It works, I created an assembly model with the properties "code" and "code2", the equation "Dummy" and I can now automatically retrieve my qtys directly in my detail base of the part concerned by inserting [ $PRPSHEET : "AutoQty" ] in the title block.


Congratulations to the team

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So you used the macro as it is?



I have attached the assembly model containing the macros and the necessary equation ... if it can be useful.

Don't forget to add [ $PRPSHEET: "AutoQty" ] in the basemap title for an automation.

BE CAREFUL though: if you use the same part in another assembly since the quantity is written hard in the properties of the part by the last open assembly!!





This technique would be very useful to me but I must be missing something.

If the ones who are successful are still here, I'll need help.

I downloaded the assembly file

I inserted 2 pieces to try but nothing. (no property added to the parts of the assembly) 

Is it  necessary to run a macro? (if so, I want it)

I thank you for your help, for an old beginner:)