Insert Drawing with SolidWorks BOM

Hello everyone,

Can you tell me if it is possible to put a BOM in a drawing and load this drawing and that the BOM is automatically updated according to the assembly file?

Thanks in advance



Hello @treza88 

In my opinion yes but provided that the nomenclature is in the ASM file and that you generate it (or that you can do an update because the new elements are not yet in the standard nomenclature that was originally in the ASM

If it's outside in another file (trick when the nomenclature is big) then there's no dynamic link to what I've seen so far. 'it seems to me that the link is cut in case of a file dedicated to the nomenclature: to be checked)

Kind regards

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Thank you and hello Zoro_mp,

But how can the BOM be in the ASM file, because a BOM is visible in the drawing?

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Good evening @treza88 

There is nothing to prevent the creation of the nomenclature in the ASM. It is quite visible!
But how ugly and not practical in the Asm because it takes up a lot of space on the screen.

I'm moving the nomenclature to another special file for this.

Kind regards

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When you say another special file, are you talking about a .drw or something else?



if I understood correctly, you want to make a MEP with only the nomenclature?

If so, why not put the assembly view outside of the sheet?

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Hello @treza88 

I should have explained better. Sorry This is the nomenclature method without MEP.

When you're in your asm you create

Insertion ==> table  ==> BOM.

Then in the created nomenclature you click on the cross at the top left, then you select "Show table in another window". This window updates inreal time no matter what you do in your ASM.
If you close the Boom window then the BOM automatically returns to the ASM.

I do this because I make the drawings very last: but I often need to have a bill of materials view that is easier to use than the feature manager, especially for the number of parts, and where are all the parts of the same reference, etc...

Why another window ? because if you do like me big assemblies with lots of screws, etc... if you leave the bill of materials in the 3D view, it makes it difficult for you to visualize and continue working. With this separate window, you can work in 3D without being hindered, but still updating dynamically in real time.
In addition, you don't have to open the MEP (especially if you haven't created it yet.   ;-)    )

Then for MEP there is the method of @i will survive
Which I also use to print the bill of materials, but you still have to have already created  the MEP and ask for the automatic update, which you don't always want in the MEP

Kind regards


Ok thank you both for these clarifications, which helped me to understand certain things and to implement them.

On the other hand, I certainly expressed myself badly in my request, even if your explanations have advanced some things on my side.

Is it possible to create a MEP model with a nomenclature that will be created when the MEP is opened, knowing that it has been launched since the ASM?


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Haaa! Anyway, I didn't understand everything.

I would be surprised if this is possible because the MEP is the spillway of the 3D CAD (the model).
Which means that even if you manage to have an empty nomenclature and with the right selection criteria, the BOM will have to be filled by an update.
Updating consists of fetching the information from the 3D model to fill in the nomenclature.

Can this operation be done automatically, I don't know.
You would have to know which parts of the program generates the BOM and activate it automatically by a macro.
Which means that activating the macro may take as long as having "generate the nomenclature" when you're already in the MEP.

Anyway I guess you don't generate your plans automatically and most certainly you intervene at least to make the MEP readable

(The MEP for me is always a shit where you have to put things in order)

Let's wait for the four programming aces to tell you what they think (they often work miracles).

Kind regards

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Thank you Zoro_mp for your point of view,

But as I mentioned in my first message, the MEP is not a mandatory step.

Because MEP with a BOM is not a priority for me, it's rather the information of what is in the BOM that I would like to export to Excel.

This would allow me to import the dimensions of each part into a flow sheet that I manage with Excel.

Hello @treza88 

We'll get there, I feel it;-)

Therefore! As I told you before, you generate your bill of materials directly in your ASM (with or without the move in a side window), from there you use the export to excel function (function included in the bill of materials).
Then if you want to press a button in the "Macro" tab you need to have a macro that generates the nomenclature according to the criteria you want, then generates the excel file for you.
On the other hand -from memory- once the Excel file is generated there is no automatic update (by voluntary update  ) between the nomenclature and the excel file (or I haven't found how to do it).
I hand over to our colleagues who will surely help you better than me!
I am the subject as a solution for me too

Kind regards

Obviously with the OVH fire the forum works in degraded mode so it's not easy to follow the different posts. You can also refresh by clicking on the Lynkoa icon at the top left of your screen (this is when a bug becomes a feature).
The only way for it to come back on the home page is to edit and validate one of your answers.
The only trick! It's that this manipulation is done to the detriment of others. Not easy !  

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