I'm coming to you because I have a small sheet metal problem.
I'm modeling a duct.
In this sheath, in one place I have 2 flat sheets (see attachment sheet 1 and sheet 2). I would like to insert a fold between these 2 sheets.
Is there a function, a trick to insert a fold between 2 sheets? Knowing that I don't know the angle between the 2 sheets and that it is still likely to change....
I tried fold after edge, but impossible to make the sketch on the right plan.
This is not possible since they are two different rooms.
On the other hand, and it depends on how you assemble the sheath (welding, lug and cladding) but as I see your part you would be better off having a single sheet instead of sheet 1 and sheet 2 so that this single sheet would have two plies.
More needs to be said about how you connect these folds to the two flat sheets at the top. If it's welded edge to edge then a single sheet with two plies
The ducts are almost always made with simple short sections and connected by legs inside (invisible).
It all depends on whether they are ventilation ducts or others.
In general for this kind of hopper, I draw the template (the inner shape of the hopper) and then I apply my sheet metal on the volume by adding folds on the existing face. And if you change the template, the sheet metal changes by itself as well as the angle)
The 2 sheets are 2 sheet metal bodies in a single part file.
The different elements of the duct will be assembled by welding. In the corners, this will be quarter-quarter welding. I don't want to merge more than 2 sheets together in order to stay in the standard sheet size.