3D integration into visualize


Is there in visualize matte/shadow materials like on 3dsmax or wrapper like on sketchup to make a 3d object integration on a photo and that it receives the shadows as on the attached photo, to make the shadows on the ground it is done by itself but on a wall I haven't found the trick.

Kind regards



Hello @Stéphane

Let's stay logical to solve your problem.

Your shadows on the ground are logical since they are the result of the projection of everything related to your orientations and the colors of your lighting in relation to your 3D object.

In the case of background images, it is a flat mapping (without any relief) so you can only have at best a projection of a shadow of your 3D object on the wall like you have on the floor. But if you change the lights and your orientations, it won't change the shadows of the image that are intrinsic to the image. Images that are completely independent of the 3D object.

There is an African proverb that says "the zebra's shadow is not striped"

If you wanted to have dynamic shadows on your background, the scenery would have to be in 3D with a photo mapping (texturing) as a wrap of your 3D décor. As MODO 901 does,  and especially MARI and of course  3dsmax and more generally nurbs objects when they are dressed by native or third-party software.  At this point you could have shadows on the background, but with big color errors on the shadows that would be due to the cast shadows. That's why there are post-production software, but here we get off topic.

I hope I understood what you want to do, otherwise we discuss it.

Kind regards

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Hello zozo_mp,

Yes I understand that you can't ask for a shadow on a photo that has relief, that's why I asked if there was an appearance like on 3DSMAX or SketchUp to apply on an object that would have the shape of my wall for example and this shape is not visible when rendered it just receives the shadows.

As an attachment there is the file that I used to render that we see in my first message, the wall and the advance that I drew in gray is just used to receive the shadows and to create one on my 3D object but it is not visible when rendered.

Kind regards


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Hello Stéphane

Thank you for your feedback.

I have to humbly say that I don't know if Visualize knows how to do that. But it is possible but with basic textures applied evenly, such as imitating a carpet, stones, fabric, etc...

So if the texturing tone is uniform, yes it does just like the old system existing on SolidWorks before 2018: but on 3D objects. It's like having a 3D object that's your background that you're applying your texture to. And also your 3D object in the foreground. From this moment on you will have the shadows generated according to your lighting, reflections etc...

On the other hand, if you wanted to do complicated texturing like a soldier's suit with pockets and all the mess he carries and on top of that the guy scarred and tattooed everywhere (like manly) then you have to use another software like the one I told you "Foundry MARI". There are others but I have never used them.

In short:

you need to make a 3D set that will serve as a background and allow you to put a type of texture (with all the shadows you want depending on the lighting. It's a bit like western sets where there was only one façade because no one looked behind.

In the foreground you will have your 3D object but you know how to do that.

Kind regards

PS: On the other hand I didn't understand "is not visible at rendering" is it because you can't do it or because you don't want it to appear.



Hello zozo_mp, 

Thank you for this feedback, "is not visible when rendered" it's indeed because I don't want it to appear, the shape is just used to receive the shadows, I don't know how to explain how it works, this shape is transparent to the rendering and only receives the shadows and lighting which suddenly gives the impression of being on the background image.

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Ok thank you I understood (the rendering not visible)  ;-)   if I assure you ;-)

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Kind regards