Integration of a CATPART/CATPRODUCT directory into a catia catalog

Hi everyone,


I am creating a catalog on the CATALOG EDITOR module of Catia V5 R18.


I am looking to integrate a directory containing CATPART/CATPRODUCT into my catalog.


I found a command in CATALOG EDITOR called "create/modify a catalog" (see attachment). I select my directory etc..., I start the creation, it shows me the message that the catalog is indeed created, however I can't find any data in the open catalog.  I don't know where he transferred the data.


Thank you for your help




See these links EntryId=28&Command=Core_Download&PortalId=1&TabId=150


Here are already some refs

@+ ;-)



Maybe this link can help:

Hello: same result but I only have MD2 so I can only create "Standard" catalogs icon 2 blue books.
And in the command "create/modify a catalog" it asks to choose a workshop (tubing; piping; etc).there is no "standard".
I've always associated each file manually but it's sure it would be very convenient to just update.

Discussion to follow if anyone has the answer.


I'm trying macros on Page19 ,20 ... of the following Pdf:


The problem is I can't get the macro to work (maybe my .csv file is incorrectly filled)


Can someone tell me if the approach described on page19 meets the need to "create a catalog from a CATPart directory"?


Thanks in advance

It creates a catalog and the chapters and sub-chapters.

But the content is not filled in from a directory, you have to fill in the absolute path for each. CATPart file.


See page 21 of the pdf file


I never went all the way (as quickly since CATIA to open the CATPart in session to associate them with the catalog).


It's not the .cvs file that allows you to define the CATPart to be inserted and the Macros that indicates the directory, right?

so we can normally integrate the shares in the catalog



My .csv file:


Keywords; Name
Types; Thong
SubChapter1; SubChapter1
SubChapter2; SubChapter2

CHAPTER; SubChapter2
Keywords; My_string; My_double; My_integer; My_boolean; My_Length; My_Length2
Types; Thong; Real; Integer; Boolean; LENGTH; M

Keywords; My_string; My_double; My_integer; My_boolean; My_Length; My_Length2
Types; Thong; Real; Integer; Boolean; LENGTH; M
; goupille_iso_8735_8x28; 0; 0;; 1.1; goupille_iso_8735_8x28. CATPart

CHAPTER; SubChapter1
Keywords; Name
Types; Thong
SubChapter3; SubChapter3

My Macros (which doesn't work: only creates the catalog without filling it with chapters and subchapters and parts):



Sub CATMain() 



InputFile =" My Path\BatchCatalog.csv"


(Specifies the absolute path of the csv input file or text file)


OutputFile ="mypath\Catalog_Result.catalog"


(Specifies the absolute path of the csv input file or text file)


'Dim Catalog As Document ( my macros gives me an error message when I declare this variable, so I disable it with ' )


Set Catalog=CATIA. Documents.Add("CatalogDocument")


(Creates a document of type CatalogDocument)


Catalog.CreateCatalogFromcsv InputFile , OutputFile


(Calls the CreateCatalogFromcsv method on Catalog to create the catalog)




(Closes document)


End Sub







/!\ First of all, be careful  when saving the .csv file from excel It adds "; " at the end of the line. To do this:


  1. Edit in Excel and then save
  2. Right click on the .csv file: Edit with not block or Notepad++
  3. delete the "; " at the end of the line



Regarding the macros, I disabled the declaration "dim catalog As Document" => it works without



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