Integrate the mass of the weld seams


On the design of a test tool representative of reality, I seek to obtain a precise mass and Center of Gravity (CoG) coordinates.

How do you properly fill in the material and the linear mass in kg/mm (I found an abacus), on the properties of the "Weld fillet", so that the "Ground properties" function returns a mass and CoG coordinates result that takes into account the weld seams?

Thank you for your help,




I only see the declaration by the weld table but which is only visible (accessible) in the MEP apparently.

On the other hand, I don't know in the MEP if you can have the CG including the incidence of welds. Normally this should give it.

But in your image, from the moment you indicate to display the mass of the welds, it means that the CG takes it into account. By the way, you just have to check and uncheck the display to see if there are differences or not. It would be logical for the CG to take into account the mass of the welds.

You have to be wary of the American to French translation with the difference in language between "display the mass" and "take into account the mass of the cords"  or in short  version "prendre masse cordon" the fact of displaying it does not say if it includes them or not in the calculation.

Kind regards

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There is no change in mass, nor change in the coordinates of the CoG by ticking/unchecking this box (that's the reason for my question).



But I see that the default value is "rough" look if there is any other choice than the default.

Now I don't have SW on hand

Kind regards

F****, the idea was very good, but there is no effect.


So there

my tong at the cat    Sorry

Kind regards

PS: you have to ask the question to the hotline because I couldn't find anything even in the American forums.

In order for the addition of a weld bead to impact the ground and the coordinates of the CoG, the fillet weld bead function and not the weld bead function must be used.

Thanks to Visiativ for the support.


Hello @carseb

A big thank you for this precious feedback.

SW developers have been a bit lazy to come to the point of differentiating between weld seams which normally encompasses all types including flat  welds (including overlapping plates and welded on the edge of the thickness).

So beware of welds that would not be corner welds and that will not be taken into account (and even then this remains to be seen because selecting fillet weld does not say that the others are not taken into account.)

We would have to make a model to see the exceptions.

Kind regards