CATIA - VISUAL STUDIO interconnection

Hello to you My CAD forum,

I'm looking to interconnect Catia and Visual studio because I found a program called graphy that does vector on Catia: GitHub - Wertoi/Graphy: Catia 3D writer. Only although the interface launches, the connection between this program and Catia is not made! Do you know of a dll in Catia (dassaultsystem/code/bin...) that can do this interconnection or another way without retouching the graphy code if possible :wink:

thank you in advance,
cdlt ,

Have you looked at this link:

Otherwise here is a remark even if no Catia for me the problem may be identical.
On Solidworks you need to have the corresponding version of visual studio for SW2020 → Visual studio 2015. And if you take a newer version, it doesn't work.
See also this topic:

And also:

And finally:

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Hello @sbadenis and thank you for your answer.

The first video is not very appropriate for my problem, but I take it because it shows COM references to add when connecting catia visual studio, but I don't think it solves the interconnection problem.
After I even converted the code into .exe, but the connection still doesn't happen.
It could be that this is a problem with the version of Catia not recognized by this code but the code should be readapted and the .... I'm dry!! :slight_smile: for now but I'm continuing on my own.

I was also talking about the version of visual studio which must imperatively correspond to the version of Catia under solidworks.
On the other hand, I couldn't find the page that gives the version of visual studio to use with this or that version of Catia.

And good luck for the rest of your research.

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@sbadenis ,
It was a CATIA version problem, the versions above the R28 are not recognized by Graphy:

Have a good day to you,