Inventor: prevent parts from "lighting up" on a 3D section


Under inventor 2017 (and maybe lower versions), when you make a section of an assembly, the parts light up each in turn when you hover the mouse cursor over them. Basically the whole piece appears uncut and in bright white and transparent.



Well, I wish I could prevent that. That when my cursor hovers over the cut parts, they stay as they are and don't light up.

Thanks in advance to whoever would have the solution!

Kind regards. 

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See this link


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Hello gt22,

I had already come across this link while looking for an answer to my question on google but unfortunately it doesn't talk about my specific problem, only generalities about cuts.

Thank you anyway.

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I'm no longer on Inventor, but at worst nothing prevents you from having a plan to work on, and to make an extrusion that you will delete at the end if necessary. ;)

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At worst. ;-)



Go to: Application Option >> Colors >> Highlight

Uncheck according to your taste.

Pre-surbilence is the display of the contour lines of parts when the mouse is passed

Advanced highlighting, it  models the parts into surfaces.

Option that is both very practical and very chi..te depending on the case. 




I think it's the pre-surbrianllce and highlight to uncheck in application options; colours


A big thank you to Yves T. and loloboyo because that's exactly it!!

You save me my future haircuts!! ;)