To invert or not a plane via an equation

Hi all

I would like to know if I can control (via custom properties or equation) the " offset inversion " box in a plane:

This plan is in an assembly.

Thank you in advance.

Hello @C_GAIO

I don't know if it's possible or not (I would say no, but we can be surprised!)
On the other hand, from experience, it's the kind of pretty messed up equation that never goes in the desired direction

You don't have the possibility to manage your distance while avoiding this change of direction? What exactly do you want to do?

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Driving the box is not certain, but driving the odds is most likely possible.

Kind regards.

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The odds yes, but it doesn't seem to me that Solidworks accepts negative values. So, to reverse it is complicated


To drive the coast this is not a problem for me, but it is the case.
I work in the layout.
I have a reference plane that will be fixed and in relation to it I would have either a door " cover " or a " recess ":

I tried at first for the negative odds but it doesn't work either.

The simplest thing would almost be to make yourself a plan to manage the negative value (from 0 to XXX) and then to start from this plan to put your desired total value

If I can't do otherwise, I'll do it like this, or drive sketch relationships.

Hello @C_GAIO

In fact, to solve your problem, you can simply create a dimension between the reference plane and the furthest (top) segment of your rectangle, which you already seem to have with the dimension (820). Since this odds are always positive, all you have to do is create a variable "DEC_B" and drive the odds (820) with an equation of the kind = 820 + " DEC_B ".   To reverse the direction of the offset, you assign a negative value to DEC_B.
Of course, the value (820) must be equal to a value that puts your rectangle on the plane when the offset is 0.

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I will actually create a plan to deal with the negative rating.
Thank you all for your help.

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