Reverse a Dimension in a Family of Parts


I am in the process of creating a family of parts but I need to invert a dimension in some cases, how can I do this other than manually by entering the desired configuration and right-clicking on the corresponding distance constraint? 


you would have to create another sketch with its dimension in the other one without you also filling in your part family and putting it in deleted or non-deleted as you need it and vice versa for the dimension in the other without...


or try to side differently so that you don't have to reverse it, sometimes it's possible

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For the moment, it is impossible to do it directly in a family of parts.

As ac cobra 427 says, you have to create another sketch, hide the first one and link the new negative values to this one.


If in the family of coins at the level of the value of the odds you add the sign -, this reverses your odds.

The value in Solidworks remains "positive" but the direction is reversed.

Be careful, however, apparently when reopening the coin family, the value is always negative and therefore at the close the price is reversed again! :(

To be tested if this is manageable on your model.

In fact, I have an assembly with distance constraints that vary and the one that must be able to be reversed is between the face of one of the parts and the top plane of the assembly, so I don't know if it's possible to dimension differently so that I don't have to do it. In addition, these are dimensions that I extract from an external software and I copy-paste the values

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