IsFastener applicable to a set?

In SW14, in your opinion/experience/knowledge, can the "IsFastener" property, which allows, among other things, not to automatically cut a component, be used with a subassembly?

To put it in context, I have jacks that I don't want to appear cut off in a cross-sectional view. Of course, I can apply it to each component (body and stem) but for a more substantial assembly, it could be interesting.


To change the IsFastener property of SW components, use the sldsetdocprop utility that is installed by default when SOLIDWORKS is installed. It can be found in the folder:

"C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\Toolbox\data utilities\sldsetdocprop.exe"

Then select the components folder or component and change the property to "yes"

See you.

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Yes but no: the question is can the IsFastener property applied to a sldasm file.

I understand correctly. ;-)

Simply apply it in bulk to all the components of your assembly.

That way they will be excluded from the cup...

Precisely if we could avoid this kind of manipulation, it would be nice

I just did the test on SW13, the isfastener=1 does not react on an assembly.

@remrem, the .exe you mention is used to change the toolbox/part icon in the tree, if I'm not mistaken:

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Yes, absolutely. Because the IsFastener property is used for just that!

Oh no, @remrem, the isfastener property doesn't support the Toolbox logo! Just the fact that elements in isfastener=1 are not affected by the cuts in a drawing.

Edit to clarify: so isfastener and logo Toolbox are 2 separate things.


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Ah si Benoit.LF :  -)

See SW Help:


And finally:

Like benoit.lf :p areil on sw2015. not isfastener on assembly.

The only reaction is when he is on the piece.



In SW, there are 2 schizophrenic notions: screws and Toolbox.

A fastener element is recognizable by an isfastener=1 property, which allows it not to be considered in interference searches, to be placed in a "screwenware" folder, not to be cut in a drawing section. Which corresponds to the 3 links you join.

The Toolbox elements have a specific icon (the famous screw that leads to confusion) and these elements can be screws, but also any other mechanics: bearing, key,...

So, in general, a screw is both a Toolbox element and has an isfastener=1 property. (although in my box the isfastener property is not integrated :/)

A bearing can also be a Toolbox element, but without an isfastener=1 property.

A tree could have an isfastener=1 property (so as not to be cut), but it doesn't have to be a Toolbox element.

Do you see why I was specifying? :)

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Well, all we have to do is ask Mr. SW to work a little...

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