I have enormous difficulty in joining two sketches

I have enormous difficulties in  joining two sketches with the  Smooth Base Boss function for EDM machining.


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Can you  post your piece with the sketches???


Show at least a screenshot of your sketches



Good evening, in fact I would like to join a sprocket whatever it is to a rectangle, the two sketches are 30mm apart.

This is an example because I design a multitude of profile shapes but the constraint is always the same is to design a tool where a different shape is inserted to the one to be designed  (finished product).

Thank you for your help

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Which version of Solidworks are you on???

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A question on the site, maybe it can help you

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It's super nice, I've been working on solid for not long and I need training. 

I apply this to the wire machine and I will keep you informed.

I see thank you again.

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No problem, that's what we're here for, in fact to join two sketches you have to use the smoothing function.

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put more information so that we can help  you, I worked 10 years on a hornbeam 200  310 and 240 wire machine  with 3R charger and on  sinking  on 51 2000 and 4000.

May the force be with you

Good evening everyone,

FYI, I'm on the solidworks 2015 version, my main concern is to use the smooth base boss function.

OK, but with an unavoidable result, the joining of the two profiles must be done in a straight line for an EDM construction.

I either make a junction with this function but it doesn't work every time and that I don't understand for example I have to join an oblong profile of 25x4mm to a rectangle of 25x5 sharp angles

Thank you for your help


Look at it, it should be good like this...

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Good evening everyone,

Today complete success on the uses of smoothing function and I thank in particular ac cobra 427

I have other rather complicated smoothings, which I will do tomorrow following the method we'll see.

See you soon