I have a solidworks 2019-2020 installation problem?

Bjr, I'm having a problem installing solidworks. it remains blocked at 60 percent, anyone has a solution?



It's difficult to help you without knowing anything about your hardware configuration.

It smells like insufficient disk space or an incomplete download.

Give us all the characteristics (CPU, GPU, etc... including and especially disk space.

Tell us how you downloaded it (batch  and then install)

Kind regards

bjr, I have a laptop with an intel core i7 CPU, an nvidia geforce gtx 950M processor and I have 80 GB of space left on my disk.

For the download I follow the approach of the solidworks site.

Thank you



Have you solved your problem?

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that as you have acquired the 2020 (I hope officially  ;-)  :)   ) you have access to your retailer's hotline.

It's up to him to help you because he can take control of your computer remotely.

Have you checked on the solidworks website that your machine is compatible. Note, however, that to do just the installation, it has to work anyway. Indeed, it is only during use that problems would appear if the machine was not powerful enough or the GPU unsuitable.

Kind regards