I'm looking for a software to detach education files

If someone can give me a link or file exe to detect education files.

Thank you

hello could you specify a little more.

Thank you.


Education file with hat.

I want to identify them by running a 'mill' to redraw them.

This mill exists.

hello @ Chacha

Do you have a non-student solidworks version bought from a reseller?

If so, just ask your dealer

to remove the education marking of files 

See this COM thread


@+ ;-)


No known software for me to detect by searching one or more folders for files in student version.

Sionon to unlock them is possible via your dealer under the conditions mentioned by gt22

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The files are not automatically detected but are seen with a "student hat" logo in front of the part or assembly icon.



There is something but depending on the number of files to be scanned it can be very long apparently, see the same topic here.

Kind regards


Be careful, you have to read what is marked in the Note in the file readme.txt ...


And you may have to ask your reseller if he has a more recent version, this one dates from 2010 so there may be compatibility problems!!!


Ok thank you


Otherwise I just saw that you have the myCAD tools, with Integration you can detect if the license used was in student version.

You choose one or more folders to process (you check the option under folder at the top right) in the filters you check part and assembly.

And then you take the attached rule and apply it

Integration then opens each document in the file and checks if the document is under a student license or not and then makes you a report.

To be tested on a small file to start.

Be careful very long on one or more big files, to be launched one evening.

On the other hand, if solidworks crashes, Integration restarts it and then continues its task.

I was not able to verify the proper functioning of the rule as it has no part made in student version on my server.
