I hate Solidworks updates


I just tried to install the SP5.0 of Solidworks 2014, unfortunately, the installation crashed around 70%...

After that, I said to myself, well I'll see later, I have work...

Unfortunately, I came across this message (see attached image)...

Does anyone have a solution please??? Basically, I can't work anymore and it annoys me to the highest point :-/


PS: the M:\ drive is my local drive, Nothing about Solidworks is installed on it...


Hi Joss.G,

I installed this service pack without any problems.

I imagine that you have checked your access to your local network drive M.

I think you should first try a repair of the installation in the SP5. You might as well do it with the latest Service Pack.

If not reinstall.

Good luck...

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Yes, of course, I checked the access to my M disk, I'm in administrator and it's my personal local disk, I have all the rights on it :-(

I'm trying to repair the installation but I doubt it will change anything...

Look no further.


You have to repair your install or redo it.


No choice!


Little info: When you install the Sw 2015, don't update.


Either you delete Sw 2014 entirely, or you do a clean installation in parallel

by modifying the Solidworks data folders to Solidworks data 2014 and Solidworks data 2015


Same for the toolbox. It will avoid file conflicts.




Oh yes, and no need to put this link to me: http://www.leguide3d.com/profiles/blogs/solidworks-conflit-de-langue-suite-a-une-mise-a-jour-comment-fair

I've already tried and when I choose my language pack, it doesn't offer me the SP0, it offers me the SP5, the one that bugged... And during the installation, the same problem message of the M:\ drive that appears (with the added bonus of a similar error concerning the Costfinalize component)...

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I'm going crazy...

Even during the uninstallation of Solidworks, they put me the message of unable to find the disk M:\...



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The reader:M must make micro cuts.


Is it a network drive?

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It's sure that it comes from your tablecloth or your dd.


try to do a pig to see if you're well connected all the time

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No, it's my local drive...

Duplicate DSL...

In any case, I'm hallucinating about the shortcomings of this software... How does it make an uninstallation last so long??? I've never seen anything like it...
It's as long as the installation, it's mind-blowing... And we pay 6keuros per year for such a crappy software?...

Well, I find myself between two chairs, impossible to repair my installation, impossible to uninstall it, impossible to launch it and impossible to go to the customer portal to try to download the French language pack, their site is under maintenance...


What are the SolidWorks files on M? I guess you have the toolbox folder but what else?

It smells strongly of the bug in the Windows registry.

You can try deleting your network drive M. Then to put it back on. But without conviction.


I don't have anything that belongs to Solidworks on my M drive...

I'm in Standard, so I don't even have the toolbox...

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Wow... I understand that you are upset.


It makes me feel bad when nothing is right. I curse the software, my job and everyone I meet^^


But for your concern, I really think that it's your equipment that is the cause of all your problems.


a simple thing, take a file on this disk (+ 2 GB for example) and copy it to another disk.


You'll see how long it takes and 2 if there's a cut during the transfer


Oh yes, too, you can do a ccleaner before reinstalling.


Then delete the registry keys that are no longer used, but be careful! :p

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This drive has a maximum capacity of 2GB... So I can't store large files there and all you can find in them is spreadsheets, a few pdfs... Nothing heavy, when I transfer, it's almost instantaneous so for the cuts, I don't see anything...

I'm relaxing, during the uninstall (same buggy), I managed to restart Solidworks, so I canceled the uninstall and I'm seeing if it has kept all its features... In any case, it's in English now

Well, apart from the language, edrawing and Solidworks composer, I think it's good... I opened an assembly, parts and MEPs to see if there were no pb references or other error messages, it seems to be fine...

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In this case, are you sure that nothing from Solidworks will be installed on it?


A file that is being created or something else?


As the disk is only 2GB, it must set an alert when it reaches saturation.

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How can I verify that Solidworks has not installed anything on it???

Either by going to the disk and looking at the latest files installed on it

(search: *.* and sort by date modified)


Or by looking during the installation if no folder points to:M

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Stupid question...

Well, actually, looking a little better, I found these folders (CF Image) but I have no idea why they are installed on this disk...

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