I work with the EHI module on catia R26. I have several problems with this one:
- sometimes I can't select my waypoints anymore (when I point to my point, I get the following message: impossible to create an external reference. Selection forbidden since current multi-branchable was designed in context "nom de mon product"), could someone explain to me why?
- when I create a beam with several branches that start from the same point, when I try to add a local Slack, it adds it to me on the 2 branches. Do you know why he does this to me?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Hello I don't have Electrical Harness Installation.
On the other hand, the message looks like the one you can get when you try to create a link in the context of assembly and the keep link option is not activated.
Check under Tools/Options/Infrastructure/Part-Infrastructure/General/External References.
The option: "Keep the link with the selected object" must be active.
Depending on your methodology, you can impose that the links are only on the published elements.
A little further down option: Restrict external selection with link on published items
Thank you Franck for your answer. My options are well configured, but I found how to reconnect all my lost links (on the other hand I don't know how to avoid having this kind of problem). To reconnect all my links, I have the contextual link set and I attach the right piece to each of the lost links.
On the other hand, I still don't know how to solve my second problem.
I think you connected with the wrong security context.