hello, I'm looking for a macro capable of re-editing all the library functions in a room at once in order to update the changes in this library, (most of the time the "link to the library part" box is grayed out
It often happens that I create library functions to go faster, but the problem is that often there are a hundred per part and when I have to make a change for example a drilling diameter that needs to be narrowed or enlarged or a chamfer to be added, I have to reprint all the library functions one by one in order to update this change on the whole room which can take hours
I unfortunately don't know how to write macro so I turn to this forum to find a charitable soul who could explain to me how to do it or write one
for example; I have a piece including cubes with a cylinder on them with a chamfer on the edge of the cylinder, I create a library function allowing to quickly create this shape by clicking on a few vertices, so I arrange this library all over a part, later I am asked to replace the chamfer with a fillet, So I change it in the SLDLFP file, then, in order to update this change in my part I have to doubleclick on each of my bibli functions and click once in the config area of the bibli then press enter, this allows the library function to apply the changes I made in the sldlfp, The problem is that I have to do this for each function of bibli that are in my room
When I say a hundred it's often about 30 per piece on several parts of an assembly, but the heaviness of the part is not so much of a problem if it's too heavy I divide it into several parts
in fact none of the squares on which I place the library has the same dimension/curvature and the library allows me to create a shape that adapts to the structure on which I place it repetition is not a solution, and as far as the equation variables are concerned, I already use them but it doesn't work if I add a function to the library or change for example a chamfer by a fillet, moreover a large number of equations slows down the part
in any case thank you for the speed of your answers
I'm attaching a screenshot that may allow you to better understand why I can't do a rehearsal
more precisely when I want to refresh a library I right click edit the function, then I click in the area where normally the different configs of the library are located, a warning window appears, click on Yes (or I press Enter it comes back to the same) and there, the modifications apply
In the attached video, I don't know why but you don't see the warning window when I click in the config area so I put it in a screenshot
about the macro that automatically rebuilds everything given by @sbadenis I didn't manage to get it to work and the CTRL+Q only rebuilds the functions of the part but doesn't take into account the library modification
Try this I don't have a library function on hand to test, it's the previous macro with maybe the update of the function if I understood correctly:
' Preconditions:
' 1. Open a model document that contains at least one
' library feature.
' 2. Open the Immediate window.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Traverses the FeatureManager design tree searching for
' library features.
' 2. Gets each library feature's data.
' 3. Inspect the Immediate window.
Option Explicit
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim ModelDoc2 As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim Feature As SldWorks.Feature
Dim NextFeature As SldWorks.Feature
Dim LibraryFeatureData As LibraryFeatureData
Dim placementPlaneType As Long
Dim placementPlane As Object
Dim ConfigurationName As String
Dim vConfigs As Variant
Dim vConfigName As Variant
Dim x As Long
Dim LinkToLibraryPart As Boolean
Dim LocatingDimensionsCount As Long
Dim vLocDimName As Variant
Dim vLocDimVal As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim bOverrideDimVal As Boolean
Dim SizeDimensionsCount As Long
Dim vSizDimName As Variant
Dim vSizDimVal As Variant
Dim ReferencesCount As Long
Dim vRefType As Variant
Dim vRefName As Variant
Dim vRefs As Variant
Dim status As Boolean
Sub main()
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set ModelDoc2 = swApp.ActiveDoc
' Traverse the FeatureManager design tree searching for library features
Set Feature = ModelDoc2.FirstFeature
While Not Feature Is Nothing
Debug.Print Feature.Name, Feature.GetTypeName
' If feature is a library feature, then get its data; otherwise,
' move onto the next feature in the FeatureManager design tree
If Feature.GetTypeName = "LibraryFeature" Then
Debug.Print ""
Debug.Print Feature.Name, Feature.GetTypeName
Set LibraryFeatureData = Feature.GetDefinition
boolstatus = LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections(ModelDoc2, Nothing)
' Access the selections of the library feature that define it
Debug.Print "LibraryFeatureData.AccessSelections = " & boolstatus
' Get its placement type
Set placementPlane = LibraryFeatureData.GetPlacementPlane2(swLibFeatureData_e.swLibFeatureData_PartRespect, placementPlaneType)
Debug.Print "PlacementPlaneType = " & placementPlaneType
placementPlane.Select False
' Get the name of the active library feature configuration
ConfigurationName = LibraryFeatureData.ConfigurationName
Debug.Print "ConfigurationName = " & ConfigurationName
' Determine if the library feature is linked to
' the library feature part
LinkToLibraryPart = LibraryFeatureData.LinkToLibraryPart
Debug.Print "LinkToLibraryPart = " & LinkToLibraryPart
' If the library feature part document is open or
' if the library feature is linked to the library feature
' part document, then get the names of all of the
' library feature configurations; if neither,
' then only the name of the active library configuration
' is returned
'vConfigs = LibraryFeatureData.GetAllConfigurationNames
'Debug.Print "Configuration names :"
'If Not IsEmpty(vConfigs) Then
'For x = LBound(vConfigs) To UBound(vConfigs)
'Debug.Print " " & vConfigs(x)
'Next x
'End If
' Get the number of locating dimensions
'LocatingDimensionsCount = LibraryFeatureData.GetDimensionsCount(0)
'Debug.Print "LocatingDimensionsCount = " & LocatingDimensionsCount
' Get the locating dimensions
'vLocDimVal = LibraryFeatureData.GetDimensions(0, vLocDimName)
'Debug.Print "Locating dimensions :"
'If Not IsEmpty(vLocDimName) Then
'For i = LBound(vLocDimName) To UBound(vLocDimName)
'Debug.Print " " & vLocDimName(i), vLocDimVal(i)
'Next i
'End If
' Determine if existing dimension values of the library
' feature can be overridden
'bOverrideDimVal = LibraryFeatureData.OverrideDimension
'Debug.Print "OverrideDimension = " & bOverrideDimVal
' Get the number of feature dimensions
'SizeDimensionsCount = LibraryFeatureData.GetDimensionsCount(1)
'Debug.Print "SizeDimensionsCount = " & SizeDimensionsCount
' Get the feature dimensions
'vSizDimVal = LibraryFeatureData.GetDimensions(1, vSizDimName)
'Debug.Print "Size dimensions :"
'If Not IsEmpty(vSizDimName) Then
'For i = LBound(vSizDimName) To UBound(vSizDimName)
'Debug.Print " " & vSizDimName(i), vSizDimVal(i)
'Next i
'End If
' Get the number of references
'ReferencesCount = LibraryFeatureData.GetReferencesCount
'Debug.Print "GetReferencesCount = " & ReferencesCount
' Get the references
'vRefs = LibraryFeatureData.GetReferences3(swLibFeatureData_e.swLibFeatureData_PartRespect, vRefType, vRefName)
'If Not IsEmpty(vRefType) Then
'Debug.Print "Reference types and names: "
'For i = LBound(vRefType) To UBound(vRefType)
'Debug.Print " " & vRefType(i) & ", " & vRefName(i)
'vRefs(i).Select False
'Next i
'End If
'Release the selections that define the library feature
' Update the definition of the library feature
status = Feature.ModifyDefinition(LibraryFeatureData, ModelDoc2, Nothing)
End If
' Get the next feature until there are no more
Set NextFeature = Feature.GetNextFeature
Set Feature = Nothing
Set Feature = NextFeature
Set NextFeature = Nothing
End Sub
I'm attaching the part and the library (small clarification is that I use a lot of different library functions that don't all have the same references to be placed)
One idea would be to link a bibli configuration to a part configuration, this would allow, by changing the config, to reload the library
A first approach, by taking up the idea of the configurations of the library function. If the changes within this function are limited to "making a change, for example a drilling diameter that needs to be narrowed or enlarged, or a chamfer to be added", the principle is to make these changes in a new configuration of the same library function.
Then, via the attached macro (Biblifunction.swp), all the configurations concerned by the modification are replaced by this new configuration. In a way, a macro searches for and replaces a configuration in a library function. The macro also forces the link to the SLDLFP file of the library function.
To use, you must fill in 3 strings of characters: - the name of the library function (in your example "square - A") - The name of the configuration to be replaced. I've set 3 of them for my tests in your example: "A_défaut", "Fillet", and "Chamfer". An empty string processes all occurrences of configurations. - The name of the replacement configuration, containing the changes.
This macro only works on this principle of replacing the config, on a SolidWorks part, and does not allow you to change references, dimensions, etc... Use with caution, there are few (no) guardrails and no cancel function. It's all in the enclosed zip, in SW 2021 version.