The function block bar does not appear on some prt, why?

Hi all

Maybe someone will be able to answer me, I have files in the PDM library, I want the functions to avoid the rebuild times of the standard elements in the library however on some files I have the bar to block the functions and on others it does not appear despite the option checked.

Do you have any idea where this can come from? Are there any conditions to be met to be able to block the functions?

Thanks in advance

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Do you have any files in your construction tree? it is possible that the blocking bar is in it and therefore invisible if the folder is not opened

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Yes there are files, after opening the files the bar is still not there.




I found this, similar problem. With a rather sad outcome unfortunately :p

It's true that it looks like it, but on some loans I have the bar so I don't think it's coming from the settings. That said, some of my components in PDM whose bar doesn't appear have a toolbox property and the others don't, but removing it doesn't change the problem.


Won't it come from the version of the files?

Clearly on new parts does it work?

Yes, basically the new files work and the component library created before solidworks 2014 doesn't work, but the whole library has been "converted" so that they can be used under the new version.

It may be that your parts were created without this said blocking bar

so open the room and if as an option bother you have activated the blocking bar it should appear

so put where it is needed at the end of the tree and re-record

you have to do it in each room

See this link among others

and if you are under maintenance you can also recover a macro

must enable this feature in order to use it in your Feature Manager:

This feature saves reconstruction time when we have complex parts whose geometry never changes, and  it is also very useful for library parts or supplier parts whose dimensions you will  never change.


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you also have this tutorial


GT22, thanks but the option is already checked and I created my own macro to block the functions on all my components of my library. My problem: it's just that it works very well on some files and on others not. I don't know why on some of my components it doesn't appear... After a little more research with the PDM administrator, I think it comes from the file type when saving components in PDM. Some are in "toolbox part document" and others in "sldprt file".

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yes your option is ticked

but not during the creation and saving of the doc

so reopen a part where there is no blocking bar

and I think the bar will appear so it's up to you to set it up and re-register to test


See also this link

It says:

Using the "Is toolbox" property on any Sw file (asm / prt):


-No blocking bar

-"Configure component" function not available by right-clicking on the part (possibility to configure it anyway, see post below).


-Non-visible and uncopied part during a default take-home comp.

The choice is yours!


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This option is part of the solidworks user settings, you don't need to have it enabled when you created or saved the file to have it when you open it.

Also it doesn't work, it's the first thing I tested before coming here, by unchecking and rechecking the option when saving the document. As said in the previous message, this probably comes from the file type under PDM. 

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Ok thank you for your last message it confirms what I was saying, it comes from the fact that my components are in toolbox part document.

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stupid question but while I'm at it it's not a big deal ;-)

if you redo a part that noticeably does not have this said blocking bar

Do you have the blocking bar yes or no.................. (yes)

Normally yes so you can block you save it in your PDM library with a second name

to not fuck up with or without the extensions (file type)

What's going on?


if that's it (your last answer)

You have to ban everything that is a component (toolbox)

and create your own personal toolbox

advice a thousand times said on the forums


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Yes the bar appears if I do that. But I'd like to avoid redoing all my files (>1000 if not more...) from the component library.  

What do you mean by personal toolbox?

On the previous link he talks about a "sldsetdocprop.exe" software in solidworks allowing to "recover the deactivate functions by deleting elements...  How does it work exatement?

See this link

you will find the answer to your question


Thanks, but if I want to keep the toolbox marker so that my components are not copied during take-away composition, even if I switch my components to a custom toolbox, the problem will be the same, the blocking of functions will be impossible? In the future, if I block my functions before passing them to the toolbox, will it keep the fact that the functions are blocked once they are passed to the toolbox?