The repair following an import diagnosis does not solve the part


I imported a part from my supplier and before anything else I carry out an import diagnosis to be sure to have an uncorrupted part. Despite this, I sometimes can't repair the parts properly and they still show up with unresolved errors. Are there other methods to solve this kind of problem? I specify that it is originally a step file that gives an assembly or a part.

Thank you for your help


I often have a problem with sheet metal parts where the corners touch each other and sometimes it goes faster to redraw the corrupted parts.

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post your piece to see

if there are any possibilities to resolve this matter 

@+ ;-)

Here's the file.

For my part, I converted it into a part file and not an assembly but I can always go back! Once the part was created, I tried to make an extrusion but it is not possible. I just try to keep the cable chain (the loop and not the big parallelepiped that drags underneath). 

Thanks for the help.

post the step

Thank you

Here is!

Thank you


not better for me sorry ;-(

I think the best thing is to redo the links and recreate your chain




Here are your files in the error-free zip in Solidworks 2016.

What method did you use ac cobra 427?

I first tried to repair everything and then tried to repair all the faces and try all the discontinuities and I validated.

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I'll have to take a closer look! Did you do this from the assembly or from the part?

Edit: I think I'm missing a step to have all the files backed up like you did! How do you  do it?

I opened the parts from assembly and started the diagnosis and repairs.

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