Laser sliding, how to turn an object into a slice


A small question, how can we use solidworks to transform it into a slice from a part (for example a cylinder of diameter 60 and height 150 in order to cut 6mm slices and bring out 25 slices that we put in a plan and pass through laser cutting to recreate a stack.

Of course by cylinder I was thinking of the handle of Darth Vader's lightsaber lol and not a basic tube.

This exists at Autodesk with 123 make.


Hi, I think Bart had found a utility for 3D printing, let's see if he does that too and if I find him!

Edit: I found this plug-in:

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I think you have to do it yourself, or go through the Autodesk app!

You can create clips and then you can use the split tool by selecting the body that you want to cut.



you have the MyCadTool Createsections utility which allows you to create sections at a predefined step.

On the other hand, never used...


Otherwise you buy a toy lightsaber and take it to the butcher to make a few slices :)

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Answer 1 interesting technique

answer 2 MDR I already have a lightsaber but this is to create an ultra luminous product and I only have a laser cutter available (but I keep the butcher's idea)

By creating shots you can make several at the same time by making a repetition directly in the plan function. And then you can adjust each distance for each shot created.


For your information, it's called "Stratodesign", there is dedicated software but with the cost that goes with it.

Otherwise, we would create staggered planes and then cut the room according to those planes and save them as a subpiece. It's long but doable!

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Could this link help you?



Otherwise, you create planes like I said but instead of splitting the room, you create a sketch on each plane you created and you use the sketching tool: Intersection Curve.

To use it once the function is activated, you select all the faces of your saber that intersects your sketch plane and you validate.

It will create the section of the part for you and then you just have to extrude the thickness of a "sheet metal" your sketch while taking care to remove "merge the result".

Once you've done everything, you delete the body from the beginning (the full sword) with the "delete bodies" function. and you will have your stuff.


I think this solution is better than the other one

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Hi @ Gerald

you can if you want to go through a 2D grid under SW

and according to the direction of your empty spaces perpendicular to a plane make an offset for the space of the sections

and removal of material in the area

and you'll end up with X pieces

@+ ;-))

see attached file in SW 2012 for a test test and it works ;-)


I found a macro that creates the DXFs for each stratum.

It can be found at the bottom of this message:


You also have this free log


it's up to you to see and choose 

@+ ;-))

Hand Cut !!! =)


With micro cuts of 0.01mm and then a repeat, it's okay, right?


A French company specialises in the field

@+ ;-))

@gt22, it is the company that patented the stratodesign process, it sells the dedicated machines with the software. (these are just simple CNCs)


Tested with Autodesk software
