The ideal diploma


A BTS CPI in alternation with, if possible, a CPI professional license in the process, this will indeed correspond more to the demand to work in a design office.

Kind regards


That's what I was telling myself... thank you for your answer 

I was also advised to try a pro license directly. For my part, I don't think the idea is good given the difference in field. What do you think?

Hello Dylan,

In addition to the BTS CPI, there is also the professional title Industrial Design of Mechanical Systems which allows you to have the equivalent in 10 months (but considered as a BAC + 2!). It is an RNCP title recognized by employers (it was created by the professional branch of industry).

On the other hand, in terms of materials, there is ONLY drawing. I teach in Lyon  at the ERP Georges GUYNEMER where it has just been set up last year. See my website:

Several AFPAs also do this (under the name TSCI, Technicien Supérieur en Conception Industrielle).



Alan. ERP, when you say that there is only drawing is really only drawing, not even a little mechanics and mathematics?

Kind regards


Sorry for my late reply.

This offer is rather interesting, but I think that the mechanics, in addition to being exciting, are of great importance.


Diplomas are good, but they are not everything. A priori, you must have already done drawing in your training. You shouldn 't get stuck on all the criteria of the job offers. No one ever completes all the applications. Diploma, experience, software, there is always something wrong. So go for it as soon as you see something you might like.

On the other hand, if you want to work (and evolve) in a design office, you will certainly be asked to write documents that can be read by clients. If you don't want to scare recruiters, pay attention to French in your writing. If you make one or two it's fine, but in your post there must be about one mistake per line ... (yes I know, I'm boring. But there is a real trend on this at the moment).

Good luck for the future.


I @Chamade more... Diplomas are not everything. I applied countless times when my studies were not in line with the recruiter's requests. And it has never been a hindrance or a contraindication to go for interviews.

In short, don't hesitate to apply if all the characteristics are not in line (diploma, but also experience  ;) )


Good luck with your research in this somewhat complicated period.

Yes, the diploma is not everything, it is better, in my opinion, to be ingenious than an engineer, but be careful, this is not necessarily the opinion of a certain number of recruiters. I think it is still preferable to target a minimum diploma and above all to prepare it through a work-study program in order to combine diploma and experience.

Kind regards

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it's drawing in the broadest sense!

Indeed, we do mecha (with the adapted mahs that go with it).

and English, because there is a huge demand for employment in this sense.

More of the computer.

But this is not the case in  the AFPA.

Otherwise, there is functional analysis, CdCF, Value Analysis, PERT, Gantt, GRAFCET.

All this is useful to the future cartoonist.

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I also made a blog to collect industrial designer ads in the Rhône-Alpes region.

If it can be useful to the Lynkoyens


Thank you for your advice.

Chamade, I take into account your remark, it is true that I have trouble with spelling, which prevented me from posting like this in any forum. However, I intend to look into this problem.

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Alan. ERP, it reassures me and said like that it is surely a good path for Dylan because it will then allow him to get closer to the profession of draughtsman compared to his initial training without going back for 2 to 3 years of study,



Holder of a BTS CPI, I was able to find work quickly, both as a temporary worker during periods of unemployment and on a permanent contract (2nd in my employment). The training is very complete and allows you to be operational in a position, but I advise you to aim for design offices with a team in place (and not alone). Bachelor's degrees allow you to specialize well and can be a plus when recruiting.

Now, the training indicated by alain. ERP allows you to avoid going back to school for 2 or 3 years. And at first glance, it seems to be going back to the basics of the cartoonist profession.

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