The file is referenced by a '%s' file extracted on another computer

Hello I have created a renaming task but this message is displayed: The file is referenced by a file ' %s ' extracted on another computer.

what is the %S file

In addition, no files contained in the assembly are extracted

Thank you


It would be more the other way around, the assembly is used in a plane or another assembly that is extracted.
The %s joker, you have to see the parameters of the task.

Thank you for this feedback,

Here is the log of the task:
PC2006-01 - LogAuto-myPDMtools-myPDMtools
Date : 11/05/2024 11:48:05 AM

2024-11-05 11.48.05: myPDMtools 2024 SP1.1 - 20240306
2024-11-05 11.48.05: ----------------------------------------------
2024-11-05 11.48.05: PC2006-01 - LogAuto-myPDMtools-myPDMtools
Date : 11/5/2024 11:47:47 AM

2024-11-05 11.47.47: Added DBL-50E 004 0100-5443.sldprt file local information, File version on trigger 7
2024-11-05 11.47.47: ----------------------------------------------

2024-11-05 11.48.06: Starting the task...
2024-11-05 11.48.06:
2024-11-05 11.48.06: Start of the action ‹ Rename ›
2024-11-05 11.48.06:
2024-11-05 11.48.06: File rename: DBL-50E 004 0100-5443.sldprt
2024-11-05 11.48.06: New Name Calculation: ->50E 004 0100.sldprt
2024-11-05 11.48.06: File renaming: DBL-50E 004 0100-5443.sldprt → 50E 004 0100.sldprt
Error *************************
Message: The file is referenced by a ' %s ' file checked out to another computer.
Number: -2147220736
Function: at myPDMStandard2013.clPDM.RenameFiles(IEdmVault10 edmvault, List'1& lstePDMFile)
API: RenameFiles
Time : 05/11/2024 10:48:06
End Error ***********************
2024-11-05 11.48.06:
2024-11-05 11.48.06:
2024-11-05 11.48.06: Task completed...

The content of the file:

The myPDDMTOOLS settings:

The NEWNAME variable:
The PDM card:

Rather, it is the tab used in that allows you to see if it is used in another file that is extracted.
After I don't use the MyCad tools so maybe a bug on their side (%s)

It's all the same, it's extracted nowhere, I'll ask mycad support. Thanks for the help

Even when selecting all versions?.

Yes none of the versions are extracted

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