The sw14 adjustments



Please tell me how can I insert adjustments into the drawings. 


Thank you

Once you have created your dimension, in the property manager you select Adjustment in the Tolerance/Precision box you then select your adjustment


In the drawing, when you put a dimension, in the left menu up, you have: Tolerance/Precision.

In the drop-down menu below, you have everything you need.



In the dimension menu, you go to Tolerance/Precision, you scroll down the first tab to "Fit" and there you can set the values for the shaft or for the bore with the values in the drop-down menus.

According to attached file

Kind regards

Oops! the answer has already been given...


Additional explanations are required to have a correct answer for the tolerances of the sides?

See this link

Dimension Tolerance

The Dimension Tolerance dialog box can be accessed by clicking Tolerance in Tools, Options, Document Properties, Dimension Options .  It controls dimension tolerance values and the display of dimensions that are not integers. The options available depend on the tolerance type selected and change depending on whether you set the document options or apply the specifications to the selected dimensions. A window displays an overview of the dimension and tolerances.

Related text value

In TolAnalyst, when a dimension is related text with more than one value, you can select one and edit it.

Type of tolerance

Select one of the following tolerances: None, Absolute, Bilateral, Limit, Symmetric, MIN, MAX, Fit, Fit with Tolerance , or Fit (Tolerance Only). You can set the Tolerance Type to None, and then use the default settings for the maximum and minimum values, as well as for the font in the current document. When you change the properties of a dimension, the default tolerance settings will be those set in these options.

Tolerance values

Specify the Maximum Variation  and/or Minimum  Variation values appropriate to the tolerance type you selected.

Font/Fit Tolerance Font

Specify the font to use for the dimension tolerance text. For Fit and Fit with Tolerance and Fit (Tolerance Only), Fit Tolerance Font is available for the text of Bore Fit and Shaft Fit.

  • Select Use Dimension Font if you don't want to change the font size for the dimension tolerance text.

  • To change the size of the dimension tolerance text, clear the Use dimension font check box and select one of the following options:

    • Police scale. Enter a number between 0 and 10 to scale the font.

    • Font height. Enter a value to specify the height of the font.

Show parentheses

Select this option to display parentheses around tolerances such as Two-Sided, Symmetric,  or Fit with Tolerance.

Linear or angular tolerance

Choose Linear Tolerance or Angular Tolerance to set document properties for linear or angular tolerances.

Display of the adjustment tolerance

Choose Stacked with Line Display, Stacked without Line Display, or Linear  Display .



A video on the subject:


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Thank you all for your contributions, everyone has contributed a stone to the building. 


thank you again

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