The appearances follow those of the solidworks file for each record


I just switched to Visualize 2019 and I have a problem with the appearances, I import my solidworks file I check the file well, I change my appearances in Visualize (because I find the RAL correspondence more precise) and every time I modify my solidworks file the Visualize file takes the appearance of solidworks.... Is there anything I missed? On Visualize 2018 it worked very well and I don't see what I could have forgotten to check?

Kind regards




Look at where appearances are stored. I was fooled once by uploading an appearance externally.

Because in this case, as it does not find them, it starts from the native Solidworks file. For the record, Visualize is an external software to Solidworks so the paths to appearances must be stored in the paths of Visualize.

Kind regards

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I'll look into it, thank you for this quick answer, but in my Visualize file I take the appearance of Visualize.....


So I put the access paths to the appearances, even when importing I told him to look for the textures on the same path but nothing changes, I tested all the import modes but I still have the same result, with each modification in solidworks all the appearances jump in Visualize.

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After a lot of testing with the technical support of visiativ the source of the problem comes from a bug of the 2019 sp2 version, so problem not solved for the moment but the cause is known.

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Thank you Stéphane indeed I didn't have the problem in 2018.

Well let's wait for the fix ;-)

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