
Hello @Toutes and Everyone

Excuse my ignorance but I see that you often talk about Blocs.

I've been doing SW for quite a few years without ever using it (in reality I don't think I've ever paid attention to it).

If you have one or two examples, it would be nice and tell me what it's for.       (don't bang your head NOOoooonnnnn)

Kind regards


I would say that these are the blocks that can be used in sketching or drawing.

For example, you make a symbol as a sketch line and turn it into a block to reuse elsewhere.

See the tools in the "blocks" bar.



In addition, in my company, we use blocks for everything logotype. It makes it very easy to play with the ladder at insertion.

It can also be used for the schematic representation of cinematics (if my memory serves me correctly).

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so super practical I use for 2 functions

Quick  movement study and yes it's 2d

and I use as the derived sketch function  (which I find simpler than the real derived sketch function )

If I have a barbaric sketch that repeats several times and hoop block   ctrl+c   ctrl+v.

The advantage is that you modify a block, everything follows.

May the force be with you




In our house, the blocks are used in drawing. It's just a way to group entities (texts, sketch entities, etc.) so that you can move them together, reuse them (in the same file or in several files).

A typical example is a welding or painting instruction.

Thank you Obi Wan for introducing me to another use


Thank you all

for your answers.
It's great and above all simple to use.
I imagine a possible use. It's when I want to copy a sketch to put it in another room or somewhere else on the same piece. The positioning is still acrobatic because you lose the origin and  there, if I understood correctly, once in the block, she no longer does the belly dance, so it's easier to reposition with dimensions for the origin of the sketch.

Kind regards


yes @zozo-mp

no more constraint  to copy, move, turn ect.....

Once the sketch is in a block, you are free to do what you want with it.

and even imagine 2 almost identical blocks, you make a block   ctrl+c   ctrl+v  you explode the second block  you make the modification you make another block and it's a bet.

Its blocks can be stored in a bookcase for other uses.

may the force be with you.



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