The hatching of the detail view disappears when printing


I often put hatching on the faces of my coin to distinguish them. When I do a detail view, I have to put the hatching back on the detail view (so far so good). The problem is that when I print my plan, all the hatching in the detail view disappears. You can see them on the computer, but not on paper. Even in the "print preview" these hatches are not displayed.

What's strange is that if my hatching is in "solid" color, then it shows up when printed.

Is there a solution to correct this? 

I'm on SolidWorks 2018

Thanks for the help.


And by changing the hatching scale?

In fact, all the hatching in my detail view has different scales and orientations. 

I still did some tests by changing all kinds of parameters (scales, orientation, hatching type and line thickness) but nothing helps. Still absent on paper.


Look at the side of the layer that you selected for hatching screws.

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All of my layers are enabled (visible) with the print option. Still nothing.

What's weird is that if I put a hatch as a "united" property, then it is displayed when printed. But it's a hatching that I would need. 

Which version are you on and can you share a bogus file where the bug occurs?

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First of all, thank you very much for your quick answers!

I work with SolidWorks 2018.

Here is a bogus file that gives an example of two cases of the problem. One with a detail view, and the other with a cropped view. Both examples do not appear in print.


I'm also under SW 2018 sp 5, and I just printed your plan, no hatching worries, they appear well in print.

Look at the configuration of your printer, this may be the problem.

Edit: What service pack are you in?

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The problem came from the system options, in "Drawings". You have to unselect  the option "Show sketch hatches behind geometry". 

Before, it was selected and the hatching was "behind" the piece. Now it's all good.

Thanks for the help!

Kind regards
