Automatic linking of BOM - layout on plan


After a lot of research, I didn't find the answer to this problem:

I create assembly plans that are managed in configuration (a very large number). To generate all the planes I use SmatDrawing and each sheet is generated with a different configuration - it works.
But the nomenclature does not follow and always corresponds to the first configuration, which means that they have to be reworked one by one. The problem is the same without using SmatDrawings

Is it possible to ensure that the nomenclature is updated as soon as the configuration is changed?

Thank you

It's possible by macro (since I do it in the creation of my auto MEPs (code very specific to our needs)
I think we should ask Visiativ for an improvement on this point because Smardrawing should do this without any problem.
@fmarchand I like mentioned may confirm the need for this utility or explain how it works if already implemented.
To modify the config via macro here is the vba function used:

Sub ProcessView(swView As SldWorks.View, vBomFeatures As Variant)
    If Not IsEmpty(vBomFeatures) Then
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To UBound(vBomFeatures)
            Dim swBomFeat As SldWorks.BomFeature
            Set swBomFeat = vBomFeatures(i)
            Dim vConfVis As Variant
            Dim vConfNames As Variant
            vConfNames = swBomFeat.GetConfigurations(False, vConfVis)

            Dim visConfIndex As Integer
            Dim j As Integer
            For j = 0 To UBound(vConfNames)
                vConfVis(j) = UCase(vConfNames(j)) = UCase(swView.ReferencedConfiguration)
                           Debug.Print "vConfNames=" & vConfNames(j)
            'On change la configuration
            swBomFeat.SetConfigurations False, vConfVis, vConfNames
    End If
End Sub
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No, indeed, it's not possible at the moment.
I have opened an improvement request for this topic:
R&Dmy - Evolution #193390
Added the ability for BOM configuration to follow view configuration

For your information, we will start the redesign of SmartDrawings in the coming months in order to have more possibilities.

Kind regards