Home and Work License

Good evening

I work during the day with Solidworks and I would like to install it at home to use it occasionally (a kitchen to do!!) more than 30 days of drawing

What is the easiest way to do this? License transfer?

Before, we could use it at home but without abusing it, we had a message that we had 2 tokens at the same time, but this was tolerated, but today, not possible

Thank you for your answers




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Good evening

Yes, the "duplicate" of licenses is no longer possible.

If you are on a floating license, the best way is to borrow the license on a laptop for example, every evening or for 30 days maximum.

Otherwise for personal use, you may be able to watch for an education version, which implies that the generated files cannot be used industrially because they are labelled for education.


Yes, floating licenses are from another era ;-))

See this link on the website



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Good evening, on the official SolidWorks forum, some say that in 2014 they were able to have a license for the house provided they had a license server. You have to ask your dealer if it's possible to have one.

Yes Lucas, but apparently Dassault stopped because too much abuse and difficult to control.


I used to use this "homemade" license almost every day and since 2014, I can't anymore. I have to transfer my license or work remotely but hey....

Mine still works. Did you have to reinstall?

+1 with @BenoitLF

This is the only "legal" solution.

The only requirement: Your licenses must be floating and therefore managed by a license manager who authorizes the deportation of a license to a laptop.

Cost of switching from fixed to floating license (regardless of the number of licenses):  2000€

Handling is simple.


What Bart suggests to work remotely can work (maybe not perfect in graphic quality, but functional).

You could try TeamViewer for example: you leave your pro station on with TeamViewer on the road (turn off the screen so as not to scare your colleagues who would see your station in operation) and take it in hand from home!


Otherwise dismantled the tower every night and reconnected it to the office the next morning ....  

There is only the possibility of buying a license for the house at 10000 the end or becoming a solidsquadeur and it is inexpensive for a kitchen.


Otherwise, you have to invest in a portable workstation.


That way, no worries since the position will always be the same.


@Lucas, no I didn't re-install anything, during an update, my "private" license jumped.

My dealer told me that Dassault's policy had changed.

So it's when you did the update from 2014 to 2015 for example? OK that's good to know, no more updates for me!
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HS @.PL: if you were planning to switch to 2015, I heard but obviously it's confirmed, for a switch to SW15, it's strongly advised to wait for SP2.1 !!!!!!!


It looks like the 2015 vintage is laborious :/


For your information, I have the 2014 and the 2015 on my computer.


The 2015 is a big mess at the moment, so a word of advice, avoid it!


Wait a few servie packs before installing it. Because here, it's really big nonsense^^




I would like to vote for an answer given by someone, but it doesn't work for me!!


I'm digging up this subject, because it's 2019 and things have changed a lot since then.

Given the degree of disturbance in the office, I would like to telework 2 days a week, in order to work in peace and to really move forward on the projects. Our reseller told me about the license transfer solution via mysolidworks https://my.solidworks.com/.  I couldn't find anything!!  Do you know how to do it?

Thank you in advance.

 @ jerome.mazouiller

The best thing to do is to open a new topic to ask your question

since the communication threads are already solved

@+ ;-)

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Everything is explained in detail in this article, to use your SOLIDWORKS remotely (there is a focus on PDM too if needed):


Have a good day and good luck to all,

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