Student license in professional license?

Hi all


Is it possible to transform parts made with solidworks student version into a pro version without redoing them?


The student version puts a logo in the room tree (see photos) that I don't want to see.


Thank you




No, it's impossible.


A tip: the easiest way to edit the sketches, select everything with a selection rectangle, then paste in a new sketch of a new part...


Totally agree, it's impossible.


impossible is not the term. There is a utility available from SolidWorks to clean student parts.

It is necessary to show white paste and justify the need for this operation.


1- A valid license

2-Be under maintenance

3-Speaking English

4-Have a lot of patience



Indeed it's not possible, a trick to avoid having the mention "Student license, exclusively reserved for education" (or something like that) right in the middle of your plans, you save them in DWG to reprint them from autocad edrawing  or another software.....  


Good evening

Indeed, the journey may be a bit long. In any case, you have to go through your reseller, who is the only one who can make the request to SolidWorks. But it's not a done deal and we really have to prove that it's an absolute necessity. Moreover, if they do, it will be on a few files in a project, but not for all your 'polluted' projects. It's a shame but that's how it is! :-(

So refer to the different solutions provided by contributors (@Lucas or @David) and arm yourself with patience!

Good luck

Kind regards


But it's still a hack!




If the part can be converted to sheet metal, I think going through the welded parts list,


and to have it inserted in a new room.


View image


Then it will probably be necessary to go through a recognition of functions.






It is possible to export the part in a neutral format such as Parasolid, and then to import it back into Solidworks, you will lose the "Education License" marker but also the creation tree.

For the rest the solution has been mentioned, you have to contact your reseller to fill in the documents that will be provided to the Solidworks publisher and see if the justifications you will bring are convincing to have the agreement of Solidworks.

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Well ok thank you for your answers. I think the easiest way will be to rebuild them...:-( too bad...

for visualization


To complete the answer of @David be3, if the problem is only for the drawing (which does not seem to be the case here) just save the plan as a PDF and the marking disappears.

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On a large screen the 2 side by side and you take the sketches function by function in order

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In addition, if you have a more recent version, it allows you to work slightly differently if you want to.
