Fixed floating license

Hello everyone, I have a fixed license under Solidworks 2019 SP3.0 and I would like to switch it to floating in order to use it on a laptop.

I came across this link from visiativ:

I followed everything to the letter, deactivation of my current license, admin account under and when I click on the license I don't have the "activation type" line allowing to switch the license to online licensing mode as on the example.

Thank you in advance because now I'm drying.



Unfortunately SolidWorks stopped the "online" license at the beginning of the year, you came across an old article:( 




It seems to me that online licenses no longer exist...

Contact your dealer or the hotline, they will surely have a solution.

Kind regards.



I confirm the removal of the "Online" licenses... in the middle of lockdown. WELL DONE!
It was a good idea.
All you have to do is deactivate your fixed license, activate it on your laptop, etc., and then go back to the office.
Save the hotline number in your favorites to call them on the day you forget to deactivate one of the two extensions....
Otherwise, but I don't recommend it at all, use a remote workstation software (like Teamviewer or Anydesk...) but the level of security of your two PCs falls close to ZERO...

Kind regards

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Thank you for your answers. @Maclane ok for the deactivation of the fixed license and the activation on the mobile but limited to 1000 times unless it has been increased to unlimited?

I just got the hotline apparently a cost of 500 euros to switch to a floating license as well as an additional cost of 4000 euros for  a server that will manage the floating licenses ...  

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4000 € for a license server!! Do you buy it at Visiativ !!??
We are talking about a license server, not a shared data storage. Unless you have to manage more than 50 licenses...
You should consider recycling an old PC+ a 2019  Server license + a good antivirus + two/three hours of computing + a few tricks + 500€  .... it will be cheaper.

Kind regards.


Yes @Maclane it's at Visiativ but it was just to inform me ;-)

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Does anyone know how many times you can transfer the license, 1000 times? unlimited?

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Yes @Maclane , when you set up a license server, it needs a SW license to work...

This is what was set up in the company where I worked before:

- about 15 SW users, 4 of whom are full-time (BE/method)

- 6 "standard" and 3 "pro" licenses = 9 licenses

We shared them as and when we needed, it's totally transparent for users.

In your case, @vspemens, it's an exorbitant blow!

The end of online licenses is a real shame...

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Even if he has to manage 50 licenses you don't need a 4000€ server, for the time being he is outright exaggerating the sales representative at Visiativ.... The license server does nothing except give and take back permissions... As Maclane indicates, a basic PC is more than capable of this!!

@a.eriaud I don't understand when you say "when you set up a license server, it needs a SW license to work... " the license server it doesn't need a SW license, you just have to make a request for the key to switch from fixed to floating. On the other hand, 500€ to make the switch is not expensive.... before it was worth a lot more than that!!


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Hello @gbadia,

When I talk about license server, I'm not talking about the PC or other computer hardware. Indeed, a simple PC with Win10 is enough, no need for resources!

To use the SolidNetWork License Manager, you need to purchase a license!

In my previous company when this was set up, we had received an additional license number so a purchase...

It means going through the financing offer with the other licenses and maintenance costs, all spread over 5 years.

I also find that it is a high price to pay to have a flexible system of use. Online licenses are so much easier for the user, but it imposes server maintenance costs on the provider. The latter prefers to bring in the currency rather than see it leave... CQFD.

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Hello @a.eriaud

Indeed I had misunderstood your message, indeed you have to buy SolidNetWork License Manager...  


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