License Solidworks


Is it possible to download Solidworks premium on your personal desktop PC (at home) and take the license to work in the evenings and weekends with Mycad tools?

Thank you in advance.


As for the license, it is possible and there are several ways to proceed.

Are you connected to a server or PDM.

We dealt with this subject a few months ago, I did some research and I will get back to you!

Kind regards

So we don't have PDM and my personal pc is not connected to the company's server.

It's for personal use...

Good evening

I suggest that you still contact your dealer, it will avoid a lot of problems.

In the attached PDF document you have one of the two existing procedures. We had made a post with Clémentine on the subject (probably related to the covid confinement episode) but I can't find it for the moment.

Kind regards


Good evening

As I still had my shovel and my bucket and my colander, I searched in the sand and found the post

Kind regards

PS: I wouldn't give you the beach no, no, no!


It's perfect...

At this level, it's archaeology.

Thank you