Linking my dimensions to a general table (Drawing)


I would like to know if it is possible to link a numeric value (dimension) in a general table?

For example, on this screen below, I would like to link the created dimension "L" in my table so that the numerical value automatically appears there.


Thank you.

This tutorial that allows you to create part families also gives this possibility

Tables are mainly used for  drilling 

See this tutorial

@+ ;-)



Unfortunately that doesn't answer my question.

Your video is about the creation of automatic dimensions and drilling tables.


What I would like is a creation of a general table with the horizontal/vertical dimensions that I was able to put in it, or that the software was able to put automatically.



To link a dimension to a table (or an annotation works too), just double-click in your cell, then click on the dimension concerned.

The value will follow any changes.


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as said @ rroblin +1

it's the same once you have defined your dimensions via a ref it remains linked to this said ref

ditto the attachment family tutorial

to visualize and understand to link the ctoes to a ref

test and test

@+ ;-)

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Part families in drawings

If a model uses a part family to generate multiple configurations, you can display the part family in a drawing of that model. In this way, a single drawing can represent all configurations.

You can refer to the numbers with short, descriptive letters or names instead of using their full names and values. For example, instead of D1@BaseExtrusion, you can use a label such as A or thickness as the column header in the part family and display it instead of the dimension value in the drawing view.

The following figure shows how a part family and the dimensions it controls can appear in a drawing.

Table of Contents

  • View a part family in a drawing

    The part family appears in the drawing exactly as it appears in the model document. For this reason, in the part or assembly document, you must configure it so that it appears as you want it to appear in the drawing. You then insert it into the drawing.

  • Edit a Part Family in a Drawing


Parent topic

Configurations with part family

Related concepts

Understanding Part Family Settings

Insert a part family

Shaping a Part Family

Add settings to a part family

Edit a family of parts

Delete a part family

Deleting a Configuration in a Part Family

Save part families

PropertyManager Room Family

Dimensions dialog box

Add Rows and Columns dialog box

Hardware Issues and Recommendations

Search for 'Part Families in Drawings' in the SOLIDWORKS Knowledge Base.

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Ok thank you for your answers:)


Have a nice day.

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