Link configuration in 3D with M.E.P


As I say every time (sorry for those who read me regularly), I'm a rather simple piece that was designed with a family of rooms and now I'm moving on to the drawing. And before I start, I'd like to know if people had ever looked at macros to do this kind of thing, please?

I would like at least that when I change configuration in the 3D, the views of the drawing change too.


Check out this post, at the end there is a video that explains the concept.


 Hello a.leblanc,

Indeed I had already looked at your post but I didn't really understand why you need to do a Vsearch and why you have an array with your configuration and another line with the values you want.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in fact:
- You have a list with all your configurations in a P.P.
- The one chosen from this list is written in a box of the family of pieces,
- With a V search you will look for the name of the configuration in the family,
- And then you make sure that the line (so the values) of the chosen configuration is written in the "default" line
- Then this default line becomes the configuration of your model??

So you only have one configuration available at a time? By that I mean you don't use ConfigurationManager?

Because in my case I have all my configurations being in the same table:

And in SW I have my configs


You can also convert your part to "Feature à config"

And insert it in a new room (with only 1 config: Default), without links, or with if you want to do update

So by editing your "Feature" you change the configuration.

And your plan will always point to a PRT with just 1 config


Is it possible to make an excel macro that will be launched from the family of parts please?

Hello Roub25, dsl for this late return.

In fact there are about + 100 pieces, so --> 100 jams, and it evolves over time.

The colleagues don't know how to manage configurations, and then a different department enters the values of the dimensions and references in the table.

In the end, the draftsman only has to type in the code of the room to create his plan. In our case, this method is useful for simple parts.

Of course, the history of the shots must be made according to pdfs once approved, because there is only one 3d with only one configuration.

I put you the link to this post because the link between the list of references from the MEP and the part family fits with your request, but the V search not necessarily.

Have a nice day



 Hello a.leblanc,

No problem and thank you for your answer!
That's exactly what I must/I want to do so I think I'll take a model from you to do that. But I need to create a drawing automation in the first place.

In the end, it's the same as you so I'll have to study your approach and understand how to fill in an excel box using a macro or P.P.

Thank you

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Hello, I made a small tutorial on macros and specifically on the export of custom properties to Excel.

Solidworks Macro Tutorial Exporting Custom Properties



your tutorial link on the macro doesn't work

@+ have a good Sunday ;-)


Thank you Gt 22, it's fixed.

@+ Good evening.


well I went to see 

if you accept criticism? it's not very fluid 

and it feels like at times the screen freezes 

and you have to switch to high resolution to clearly  see the inscriptions

I think a little sound would have been useful to follow your actions more easily

and understand the why of the how to learn is the purpose of a tutorial

especially if like me you're not familiar with macros

an area where I haven't yet returned to grace ;-(

I'll have to make an effort ;-)

not so easy to make a  good video tutorial

on the other hand I saw your video Drawing a straight staircase

and there it looks fluid the sound is there and it's alive great +1

so I subscribed to your channel

@+ ;-)

@Gt22: Obviously, I'm open to any criticism:)

Can you tell me in which format you watched the video, I may have messed up with the codec for the encoding.

For the sound, it is supposed to be there... I have it at home when I play the video but not loud enough.

I realized at the end of the recording that I forgot to activate mouse capture...


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I was in autoplay at the beginning so if I'm not mistaken

in HD 1080 it's easy to read

So yes you're right there's sound

but you have  to put everything on the clock to hear something


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Thank you for this information @Gt22. I'm editing the video to amplify the sound. I would replace it on Youtube.

I also got the original audio codec for my PC for the amp...

Thanks for the reviews.

Kind regards.

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it was not negative criticism far from it ;-)

but simply a visual observation of the tutorial

So I took the liberty of saying what I thought about it

@+ ;-)

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IndustrialCadServices Your tutorial is really great Thank you very much!
I'm going to try to apply it to my case and I think it should work, maybe even better than the idea I had!

When I get back, I subscribe to your channel even if I think it's a shame that you don't have even more videos because you're good ^^