Link solid file and drawing file in SW22


In an assembly, if I open a part, save it as, the new file is replaced in the assembly.

On the other hand, SW2022 does not create the drawing file associated with the original file for the new part when you do this operation to save as....

Do you have an idea of the procedure to follow or the possible option to check to generate the creation of the new drawing?


To be able to duplicate the part + its MEP, it is better to go through a Pack and Go.

From the assembly, open the part and instead of doing "file\save as", do "file\pack and go".

This allows you to keep the link between the room and the MEP, you can rename your room and its MEP and save them in another folder if necessary.

Kind regards.

Otherwise you can use the following macro (attached).
(it is derived from that of:

I've added an exclusion if the selected component is an element of a repeat.
(see discussion:

Be careful though: This macro copies the component (part or assembly) with its drawing, all under a new name, but it also replaces the original component with its new copy.
A CTRL+Z will restore the original component to its assembly.
