Hi all!
I have a question about the parametric table:
I create it and insert it into my "Product".
When I create a "Share",
I would like to point to the link of the "Relationship" of the "Product" for my "Share" and that it remains configurable.
Is this possible or do you have to point to the parametric table for each new "Share" or "Product"
Thank you all!
Hello, I'm not sure I understand what you're waiting for?
You insert the table at the level of the CATProduct and you want that when you import a CATPart and or a CATProduct to be able to automatically link these new components with the table?
Which might have worked a special copy/paste but with my license level it's not feasible. (It may not be feasible at all).
An optimized copy doesn't work at the level of a CATProduct.
By MACRO? (This is not my field).
The only workaround I can offer you is to be rigorous with the names of the parameters (they must be identical in your CATPart, CATProduct files and in the columns of the table) so that before importing your new components into your top CATProduct, you insert the table in each of them and CATIA offers you to automatically associate the parameters that have the same name with their respective columns in the table.
Then you import your component into the head assembly.
This is not what Dassault recommends in use. The top CATProduct as well as all the components will all point to the same table so when you go to make a change in the table (in active Assembly mode) you will have to make sure that the impacted components ask for an update. (the update symbol on each of them at the graph level and that the command (Update or CTRL+U updates the CATProduct and all the impacted elements the risk is to be forced to activate each component to update them one by one but I think it should do it)
Normally what is recommended by Dassault:
In the CATProduct head, we create the user parameters (fx) and "Publish" them.
These parameters are associated with the columns in the table.
Then in each new component (CATPart, CATProduct)
The selected useful parameters are copied / pasted (with link) at the CATProduct head into the component.