Precisely, having practiced both methods, I much prefer the one compatible with the solidworks panel.
This does not bother the other services in any way, their research/work remains completely compatible.
On the other hand, the year-round research time for a design office has a monumental cost!
the "classic SW" method allows you to work instantaneously (compatible with config libraries!!)
The "search" method wastes several minutes per day, hour per week, etc... (because in addition sometimes you have to search with different keywords, space, comma, period, etc...) Because yes even the "research" method can be totally poluted.
After a clean library, it can be managed, and those who "polish" it do not have access to it, or with external validation.
So a clean "classic SW" library can stay that way without any problem.
I've been working like this for years, the gain is fabulous (constraints cars and companies...)
I went back to a design office with the "research" method, I immediately saw the slowness add to my projects. I really feel like I'm working with a stone age, archaic method, which dates back 15/20 years...
Not to mention that the "search" method includes repetitive tasks to use in 3D. Whereas with the "classic SW" method they disappear.