Smoothing with guide curve


In solidworks 2011, I'm desperately trying to make smooths to model a connecting arm of a trimaran.

I managed to do a piece of the arm, but it was impossible to finish it on the grey section on the left. The smoothing works by selecting both sections, but doesn't work anymore once I tell it to follow the guide curve.


So I tried to do a test with two sections in the same plane that I want to smooth along a guide curve:


My failure in front of this simple model confirms that there is something I don't master in the story.

I tried to make a guide curve, a trajectory, or both, nothing works. My curve starts in the plane of the starting section and arrives in the end section without success.

I'm attaching the two test files to see if you support it.

Thank you in advance for the tips!



I have the impression that your ZIP file is empty!

Kind regards


Anyway, your problem seems simple to solve.

I would even say that it's a classic mistake because with two profiles placed on the same plane it only works if you put intermediate profiles. (see attached image). It would be almost the same if you were on two planes inclined more than 45°

Note that you will need to give intermediate profiles for the manufacture of the beam (unless it's 3D print), so you might as well put them right away.

Kind regards

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Thank you for the answer, indeed the zip was empty.

There it is, full.

I've tried intermediate profiles and it still doesn't work.

In the case of the trimaran arm, I manage to do the first part where the 2 profiles are parallel, but then it's more delicate.

I try again.


  I will add a more complete explanation on how to proceed.

BUT BE CAREFUL , you must always have a constraint between the profile and the guide curve(s). OR the constraints between the guide curve and the different profiles that are distributed along the guide line in addition to the two start and end shapes.

If that's not enough, I'll  attach a mini-tutorial more complete than the attached PDF.

Which version of SW do you have?
Kind regards

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Scanning your files

On the one called ""test"" I note that you have no constraint between the profiles and the guide curve. As indicated in my previous post , everything must be constrained.

In addition, you put a guide curve in the center of the profile, moreover in a vacuum.

From my practice, but my colleagues will confirm to you, there is a fundamental difference between the Swiped Boss/Base tool and the Base/Smoothed Boss.

For smoothing, you have to wedge the guide lines on the edge of the sketch profile and not as you do on the center with a connection on a central construction line.

Hanging on to the edges of the profile: avoids crushing the profile and allows you to fully control the shape of your profile if you put several guide curves and several profiles spread over the trajectory.

On the other piece, it's normal that your profile doesn't go all the way for two reasons

1° the most serious which is that your spline has a big defect at the junction with the end profile.

2° in the smoothing you do not select the third profile  (which in any case cannot be used because of the 1°).

I'll give you a piece of advice: work on planes and start as often as possible with guide curves because it's easier to connect the profiles on the guide splines.

It's a little different if you're working on 3D splines: but from my point of view it's much easier as I indicate "guide curve" even if the latter is in 3D and then a "multitude of planes" to place all the profiles.

My colleagues will give you their professional point of view

Kind regards



it would be necessary to create X profile (therefore plane) perpendicular to the axial guide curves

and create X guide curves via points distributed on the profiles

avoid rays that are too small in relation to the cross-section 

and in surface it's a little more flexible


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Hi all

Thank you for the advice.

I got there thanks to you.

Indeed in bossing / smoothing the importance of the profile and its placement are important and I had trouble mastering them.

Thanks again