Real Angle Cutting List



I made a cutting list of a mechanically welded assembly in square tubes.


Is it possible to have the angle of the tube in the cutting list or can we only have the angle to be removed?


Example: my tube must have an angle of 50 degrees, in the cutting list it is indicated 40 degrees (90deg - 50deg =40deg removed)

I would like it to be written 50 deg in the cutting list


Thank you




In an automated way, I don't know. (well yes, with a macro)

On the other hand, once your MEP is done, you can add two columns "Angle 1 corrected" and "Angle 2 corrected" and write an equation in the cells of these columns.

If the value of angle 1 is in column "D" cell 2, for example, you have to click on equation and write 90-D2 and then validate.

Once that's done, click on the headers of the Angle 1 and Angle2 columns and hide them.

You can save the welded parts list table template for later use.

In the equation, you should put do a test with an SI() to check that there is no null value or the character " - " in the cell.

Like: Si (D2 <> "" And D2<>"-" ; 90-D2; "NA")

Kind regards.

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It works very well this way!

the only problem is when I save the template,

the equations disappear..??


thank you for your help

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Good evening, I'm making a macro tonight to autofill the two columns.


Good evening

You will find attached a macro that adds two columns "Angle 1 corrected" and "Angle 2 corrected".

For it to work, you must select the table you want to modify. A check is made to be sure that it is indeed a welded parts list table. A check is also made to check the presence of the columns "Angle1" and "Angle2" in the table. If you have changed the column titles, you also need to change them in the macro and top of the module in the 4 initialized constants.

Have fun:)



Wow a big thank you! I'm trying it tonight!


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Hello, your macro is very useful depending on the saws that the guys have in the workshop, however it doesn't work at home and I don't have the level in VBA to understand what's wrong, can you help me with the attached screenshot please? ... Adding a column and putting an equation in my flow list is cool but in a list of welded parts it is impossible to apply the equation to the whole column, forced to do line by line it's too heavy so thank you again for the macro that does it if I manage to make it work =)




Well, I'm digging up the subject but I have the same problem as Andthonysanglier on the macro.
Could someone take a look at it?
thank you in advance