Welded Parts List


I discover the welded constructions as well as the list of welded parts.
I can't get what I want.

I made a cladding façade,
I would like to obtain a list (nomenclature or other) grouping my parts by length.

Except that SW creates a folder "Article list of welded parts" as soon as a part is modified.

CF: file in PJ to be maybe a little clearer.
Desired Table of Type: Lg 2000 QT 8 / Lg 700 QT 3 / Lg 500 QT 3

Have a nice day


How did you generate the different panels?
If they weren't created via the mechanically welded element command, I don't believe you can get what you want.


So I generated my first plank with a welded construction profile.
Line to the desired length and then profile selection

I then generated the other slides using a linear pattern.


Update your welded parts list, go back into your MEP, and you should have the right quantities.

If you're wondering why you have multiple lines for the same length, it's simply that these blades have machining features. Solidworks differentiates between them.

There is, to my knowledge, no way to group profiles according to a field in a welded parts list.

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I managed to open your file: everything is normal!

I think that what you have a problem with are lines 2 and 3 of your table.
In fact, SW differentiates bodies based on their length but also on any changes in the topology (the cutouts in your case).

It may be possible to modify the table either at the drawing level (line merging) or by removing the automatic update of the mechanically welded parts list (it is then possible to move a body from one file to another).