Built-in to-do list



Would you know if there is a module that allows you to assign a list of tasks to be done by file?


The idea is to have, when opening a file, all the remaining mofdifs to be made on this part, in the right bar under SW.


Thank you

Apart from putting the info in a 3D note I don't see


Like @Tomalam, it's a method that works well.


If your list is too large, use a design workbook and put a  3D note "see design workbook"


yes the solution of @ Tomalam or benoit.if

Another option may be

make a tracing................... remains to be done

and make the annotations on this said tracing paper

for the plans http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R87mZoshW_Y

@+ ;-)




I think the design journal can meet this demand:




It is easy to integrate images from 3D and annotate them.


The file is always embedded in the SolidWorks file.


Just an idea:


You can also manage your to-do list via Smartproperties.

You create an "Options"  property with 2 values:

  • Task to be done
  • More Stain

In the case of To-Do, this gives you access to one or more task lists managed by several "Tasks" properties.


An advantage, from a Smartbom you can list all your parts in the process of being designed and quickly see the parts where you still have work to do.


I like the Smart Properties solution.

I'll try knowing that I've never used the utility, being under EPDM.


To be continued:)

If you are on EPDM everything becomes simple: create a field on the data card to be able to list your tasks!


If you are on EPDM, @Benoit's solution is the best.

You create a variable  "STILL TO DO": YES or NO

In the case of YES, it adds a Tab on your map and you can list all your leftovers.

You list your remaining to-do either with text or other specific variables for your remaining to-do.


In the same way as with Smartproperties, it is easy to search from the EPDM for all the rooms that have the variable "STILL TO DO"=YES.


The advantage of EPDM is that you can also prohibit the change of state of your parts if they have the variable "STILL TO DO" = YES.



The subject interests me because I ask myself the same question. Using the design workbook is a good idea but how do I do it when the parts are validated (I use EPDM). I do not wish to change the parts.

The solution may be to create an intermediate step in the workflow such as "Change to be made" or "Proposed change" with the  possibility of accepting or not accepting the changes.

@ Y.pacquelet.


As said above, with an EPDM you just have to add a field on the map to list the changes to be made.


As for filling in this field, I would go through a WorkFlow step "Modification without revision". This step is also used to correct spelling mistakes on the plans, for example, to change the colour of the room, etc.