Log SW and PDM usage time


To optimize our number of licenses, we try to find out how long a year they are used.

Is there a log or a method that would allow us to know the number of hours of use (ideally over a year) of SolidWorks, composer and PDM?

Thank you in advance for your help



Good question... Unfortunately, I don't have the answer but when I had to do this work, I kept open the SolidNetWork License Manager application which I updated from time to time and I recorded in an excel the maximum number of licenses used simultaneously each day, for 1 month.
The resulting results corresponded to the recommendations made by Visiativ, namely:
1 PDM CADeditor license per CAD SolidWorks license
1 PDM Contributor license for 3 users (excluding BE)

Well, there's more to do is get started.

Thanks for the answer!

I don't think there is a tool of this type, it would reduce the number of licenses to buy so no interest for the reseller :smiley:

I think there is an interest even for the reseller.

If the customer has a lot of licenses, it costs him a significant amount of money, especially in maintenance.
If the budget is optimized as well as possible, the customer will not be tempted to look elsewhere.

We have purchased licenses (about fifteen), but the group we have recently joined pays for its licenses by the hour, with a choice between standard or premium licenses. When we talk about several dozen licenses, it can make a huge difference, both for the customer who controls his budget, and for the reseller, who will not see him go elsewhere.