Dimension Chain Software on SolidWorks

Hi all.


What solutions have you already tested to make dimension chains in solidworks?


If you have tested several what are the advantages, disadvantages of each.


Thank you


What do you mean by solutions?


You want to know how to create a rib chain in SolidWorks


Would you like to know if there are ready-made solutions?

Sometimes I use the TolAnalyst add-in, but it forces me to do a second quotation with DimXpert.

Otherwise if I don't have a lot of parts (why do it with SLD?, by hand it's faster) I use mini, max configs.

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What is the end goal you want to achieve?

Possibly there is a utility called Tolerance which allows for example to create configurations of the part with all dimensions in tolerance, mini, all in maximum or in average dimension for example



In fact my need is to define the nominals and tolerance of the dimensions according to my notebook.

In fact, I make simple dimension chains by hand but I lose the link with my CAD and this forces me to be very rigorous to keep the excel file up to date with my CAD (my most complex parts have between 60 and 80 functional dimensions).


Hence my question is the generation of dimension chains directly in Solidworks or through an external tool.


Regarding the tolerance tools, it is interesting now given the complexity of my product I cannot be satisfied with a minimum maxi study since in this case my product will not respect the super restrictive specifications.

 Yes, TolAnalyst is not bad but you have to get to grips with it.

But as Pacquelet says, you must first quote with DimXpert

See this complete tutorial on the subject



I hope that for 3 years manuel69 has found an answer to his problem:p