Total length of all sketches?


After searching, I would like help to know how to know the length of all the sketches in the attached example, in order to know all the lengths of the contours.


Thanks in advance




You go to the "Evaluate" > "Measure" tab and select your sketches one by one and in the Measurement window you will have the total length as you go.


Since it is a single sketch: select all the elements, then have them measured (shortcut "M")


Thank you for your answers

But I'm looking for more things to measure without having to select the sketches one by one.

as if we wanted to measure the length of the cut on the periphery + the holes etc.

Kind regards


To get there, you will have to extrude your part and convert it into sheet metal, then right-click on the part, then annotation==>properties of the list of welded parts and you will have access to a lot of data from the part, see PJ

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Good evening

So here's how to do it

==>> you select a right segment==> Right click + select chain ==> Right click ==> other dimensions ==> at the bottom "Trajectory length.

Then when the dimension is displayed, click on it ==> go to the other tab and select pilot. ==> validate

From there, as soon as you pull on a segment in any direction, the trajectory length is displayed dynamically.

Same for all the other shapes except circles and ellipses.

I use this trick when I'm doing kinematics to know the dimensions along a trajectory when several parts are articulated together. Also to know the stroke and XY dimensions in real time of a cylinder always in more or less complex kinematics.

Kind regards

EDIT: spelling


Finally, you can also do the same thing on holes, ellipses and isolated grooves in the middle of a room.

I did this recently to draw the crushing of a peristaltic pump tube BUT  I didn't remember it right away (RHAlala lala!!!!)