The "Convert entities" option is grayed out, how do I make it appear?

Good evening

I'm starting to use SolidWorks and I have an exercise to do, following a video of my high school teacher.

Everything is fine until I have to "Convert entities", and the option is grayed out on the menu (see attachment).

What does it take to make it appear?

Thank you in advance for your help


Good evening

If I can see correctly, you are on the surface.

You have to have a sketch to project but you don't seem to have one.

Convert allows you to duplicate (if you prefer) anything as long as it is already in a sketch and you have a target, you can then project on a surface, an area on a volume, or on a plane.

Kind regards

For the forum, a trick to know is to attach the image file (the display of the image in the message is most of the time illegible, it is  better to attach your image file, Part or ASM, it allows you to have precise and fast answers. If there are several files,  put them in a single zip

Thank you for all of us ;-)