My questions for the 5axes are:

My questions for the 5axes are :

  1. How to choose and originate 5-axis workpiece  on machine?
  2. How to position my part on the machine by port my origin program?
  3. How do I compensate and correct the tool in radius and length  in 5 axes ?
  4. How to check and validate  the part on the machine before dismantling  always  in 5axes ?



Thank you  

Can you specify your request: on which software?





1.2. You have to set up your part and then you take the part origins, then the program will normally automatically set to this origin.


3. To compensate for the size of the tool you should have a "tool corrector" place where you enter the given or measured values on the tool.


4. Then what is control, caliper on the assembly if possible otherwise this with a three-dimensional control machine.




to my knowledge, not being a specialist


once a part is modeled via a 3D log


you need a specific CAM log that has the same language as the machine


See these links


@+ ;-)

I programmed with Mastercam



Tomalam has said it all, your software programs its origin in relation to your part origin (basically, the part and machine origin must be the same to be simpler). It's up to you to see where your machine origin is.


Still agree with Tomalam, it's your tool corrector that makes your tool shift away from your part. The properties of your tools must be filled in correctly.

Then, with Mastercam, you can simulate your machining operation to avoid mistakes.


Checking before dismantling is not always easy. What types of parts do you machine?



To try to complete the answers:


 1 - You choose your part origin on the machine in relation to a place that you can feel.

Choose clamping or reference faces in raw tone.

Then, either you keep the original CAD part and you enter it in the NC

Either you move your CAD origin in the CAM in relation to your machine


It's mandatory to have the same origins.


2 - See answer in 1


3 - The CAM software will give you tool lengths to respect so as not to machine your part with the cone chuck.

You have to adjust your tools accordingly on the machine

The compensator is only used to compensate for milling cutter or machine defects.

If everything is measured correctly, there is no need for a tool corrector.

On a ball, if you work in the center of the tool, you can't compensate for the Ø

You have to play with the thicknesses on the CAM software


4 - There are small  measuring arms that allow you to feel parts.

Otherwise, caliper, finer, gauge wedge, or a 3d probe on your machine.


5 - I advise you to represent your clamps or other elements of your machine.

You can also draw the cone of your tool to avoid all collisions.


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