Macro bounding box

Hello, I'm looking for a macro to make a bounding box in a 3D sketch for a part or assembly. 
After searching and browsing several forums, I finally managed to find what I needed.

The problem is that the macro doesn't work all the time, when there are rounded corners, the position of the sketch is not good. Do you have a solution to make it work in any case?

Here's the code: 


' Preconditions:

' 1. Open an assembly or part document.

' 2. Run the macro.


' Postconditions:

' 1. Adds a 3D sketch to the assembly or part showing the bounding box.

' 2. Shows results on a message box.


' NOTE: The bounding box is approximated and oriented

' with the model coordinate system.

' Remember to delete the bounding box 3D sketch if not needed


Option Explicit

Sub main()

    Dim swApp                  As SldWorks.SldWorks

    Dim swModel                As SldWorks.ModelDoc2

    Dim swAssy                  As SldWorks.AssemblyDoc

    Dim swPart                  As SldWorks.PartDoc

    Dim vBox                    As Variant

    Dim X_max                  As Double

    Dim X_min                  As Double

    Dim Y_max                  As Double

    Dim Y_min                  As Double

    Dim Z_max                  As Double

    Dim Z_min                  As Double

    Dim D_X                    As Double

    Dim D_Y                    As Double

    Dim D_Z                    As Double

    Dim Ret                    As Integer

    Dim Delta_X                As String

    Dim Delta_Y                As String

    Dim Delta_Z                As String

    Dim Header                  As String

    Dim swSketchMgr            As SldWorks.SketchManager

    Dim swSketchPt(8)          As SldWorks.SketchPoint

    Dim swSketchSeg(12)        As SldWorks.SketchSegment

    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")

    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc

    If swModel.GetType < 1 Or swModel.GetType > 2 Then

        MsgBox ("Le document actif doit être un assemblage ou une pièce")

        Exit Sub

    End If

    If swModel.GetType = 2 Then

        Set swAssy = swModel

        vBox = swAssy.GetBox(0)

        End If

    If swModel.GetType = 1 Then

        Set swPart = swModel

        vBox = swPart.GetPartBox(True)

    End If

    ' Initialize values

    X_max = vBox(3)

    X_min = vBox(0)

    Y_max = vBox(4)

    Y_min = vBox(1)

    Z_max = vBox(5)

    Z_min = vBox(2)

    ' Calculate Bounding Box sizes

    D_X = X_max - X_min

    D_Y = Y_max - Y_min

    D_Z = Z_max - Z_min

    Debug.Print "Assembly Bounding Box (" + swModel.GetPathName + ") = "

    Debug.Print "  (" + Str(X_min * 1000#) + "," + Str(Y_min * 1000#) + "," + Str(Z_min * 1000#) + ") mm"

    Debug.Print "  (" + Str(X_max * 1000#) + "," + Str(Y_max * 1000#) + "," + Str(Z_max * 1000#) + ") mm"

    Set swSketchMgr = swModel.SketchManager

    swSketchMgr.Insert3DSketch True

    swSketchMgr.AddToDB = True

    ' Draw points at each corner of bounding box

    Set swSketchPt(0) = swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(X_min, Y_min, Z_min)

    Set swSketchPt(1) = swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(X_min, Y_min, Z_max)

    Set swSketchPt(2) = swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(X_min, Y_max, Z_min)

    Set swSketchPt(3) = swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(X_min, Y_max, Z_max)

    Set swSketchPt(4) = swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(X_max, Y_min, Z_min)

    Set swSketchPt(5) = swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(X_max, Y_min, Z_max)

    Set swSketchPt(6) = swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(X_max, Y_max, Z_min)

    Set swSketchPt(7) = swSketchMgr.CreatePoint(X_max, Y_max, Z_max)

    ' Draw bounding box

    Set swSketchSeg(0) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_min, Y_min, Z_min, X_max, Y_min, Z_min)

    Set swSketchSeg(1) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_max, Y_min, Z_min, X_max, Y_min, Z_max)

    Set swSketchSeg(2) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_max, Y_min, Z_max, X_min, Y_min, Z_max)

    Set swSketchSeg(3) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_min, Y_min, Z_max, X_min, Y_min, Z_min)

    Set swSketchSeg(4) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_min, Y_min, Z_min, X_min, Y_max, Z_min)

    Set swSketchSeg(5) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_min, Y_min, Z_max, X_min, Y_max, Z_max)

    Set swSketchSeg(6) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_max, Y_min, Z_min, X_max, Y_max, Z_min)

    Set swSketchSeg(7) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_max, Y_min, Z_max, X_max, Y_max, Z_max)

    Set swSketchSeg(8) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_min, Y_max, Z_min, X_max, Y_max, Z_min)

    Set swSketchSeg(9) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_max, Y_max, Z_min, X_max, Y_max, Z_max)

    Set swSketchSeg(10) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_max, Y_max, Z_max, X_min, Y_max, Z_max)

    Set swSketchSeg(11) = swSketchMgr.CreateLine(X_min, Y_max, Z_max, X_min, Y_max, Z_min)

    swSketchMgr.AddToDB = False

    swSketchMgr.Insert3DSketch True

    ' Show box sizes

    Header = "Nom du fichier : " + Chr(13) + swModel.GetPathName + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + "Tailles de la boîte englobante (X, Y, Z) = "

    Delta_X = Str(Int(Abs(D_X) * 1000))

    Delta_Y = Str(Int(Abs(D_Y) * 1000))

    Delta_Z = Str(Int(Abs(D_Z) * 1000))

    Ret = MsgBox(Header + Delta_X + " x " + Delta_Y + " x " + Delta_Z + " mm" + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + "Supprimer l'esquisse 3D de la boîte englobante du modèle si vous n'en avez pas besoin.", vbOKOnly, "Model Bounding Box")

    End Sub


Without having tested, I found these on a site with macros that are generally very functional:



Thank you @sbadenis for your answer.

the first link doesn't work for me the InsertGlobalBoundingBox is not available on sw 2016 :/

The second one could work but it only works on one part, whereas I would like it for an assembly.

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Two other links then (dated 2014) with a bit of luck:

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