For the A3 format, I have 3 existing formats A3,A3TECH,A3_Technical_specifications_catalogue_products
All templates are named the same way (A3 for A3, A3-TEC for A3-TECH, A2 for A2 ........), except for the Technical_specifications_catalogue_products which has become A3_Technical_specifications_catalogue_products.
I guess you have to create as many constants as there are backgrounds?
I don't understand how to check the basemap name and load the corresponding basemap.
If I have followed everything correctly, you get the name of the template via the sTemplate variable.
Just put in the following line "sTemplate = Mid(swSheet.GetTemplateName, InStrRev(swSheet.GetTemplateName, "\") + 1)", a debug.print sTemplate or msgbox sTemplate to see the value of the variable displayed.
Then instead of doing your tests via vSheetProps you do your test with the sTemplate variable (Is sTemplate equals or starts with then...