Macro BOM, sorting by supplier and quantity increment



As a mechatronic draughtsman for a company, I do a lot of machines and therefore a lot of nomenclatures.

I don't know anything about Excel macro, to tell the truth I just know how to make tables.

I would have liked to know if a macro that can do the following things exists or if I should have it developed?

·         Creating a page for each Supplier

·         Automatic quantity increment by supplier (example, I have an assembly in QTY 2, in this assembly I have 3 parts in QTY 2. I would like in the supplier's sheet I find myself with the 3 parts but in QTY 4).


Please find attached a part of one of my nomenclatures.


Thank you for your help.







It is possible to customize the bills of materials, as well as to have different ones, depending for example on the department to which the bill of materials is sent.


Before we talk about having it developed, I invite you to look at our partner's SmartBom utility.


In addition, to see the possibilities of this SolidWorks utility, I also invite you to watch the free videos on the SmartBom utility


At your disposal to go further on the subject.

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Indeed my partner offers the SmartBom utility.


However, it combines the document configurations into a single piece.

It doesn't suit me, for example for the screws. With us it is important to know if in assembly 1 it is 5 screws of M4x12 or M5x12 and in assembly 2 if it is M6x16.

In addition, it's super handy for changing the custom properties of SolidWorks, however the pasted copy is missing a bit.


Thank you for your answer.



To answer your question, yes, a macro can do it.


On the other hand it's easier said than done, I had macro classes this year and in my opinion if you don't have anyone in your company capable of doing it.


You will have to consider having it developed or taking on an intern (not necessarily in the field of programming). For example, I'm in a professional degree in Complex Surface Design (BE-oriented) and I've had Macro classes. 


That's good luck for the future


Kind regards



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Indeed, with the SmartBom tool you can use conditions on properties, which allows you to create a bill of materials for each supplier by specifying different conditions.


Have you tried using the "Differentiate components with different configurations" option?


Kind regards





Thank you for your answers.


I'm going to see at home to develop something.


Indeed, in my work, we make bills of materials and for suppliers of mechanical parts, I attach a table for costing.


The SmartBom tool does not meet my expectations, I really need one sheet per supplier with the quantities recalculated according to the number of parts in an assembly in several copies.



If you have declared the supplier in each of your 3D parts (which seems to be the case given your nomenclature), you can, via Smartboom, extract in an Excel tab these same components and only that.

For this in the management of the project of the must put conditions.

Example: a property exists with a given value:

Property Name: SUPPLIER



Result: in a single tab you can retrieve all the MISUMI components of your assembly.

Note: in the options of your BOM don't forget to uncheck the box "Differentiate components by sub-assemblies".



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You can make a macro (where you can put all the properties you need) but it requires a good knowledge of VB.



I am in the process of developing this automated bill of materials.