Macro to remove all custom properties

Hi all


Would you know how to remove all custom properties from a SolidWorks document using a macro?

The goal is to integrate it into a smartproperty?


Thank you in advance for your answers



Are you already familiar with SolidWorks macros in VBA?


The statement is "deleteCustomInfo2" and you have to loop over all the properties of the 3D.


For I = LBound(AllProps) To UBound(AllProps)
    If AllProps(I).pSelected Then
        BuBye = Target.DeleteCustomInfo2(AllProps(I).pConfig, AllProps(I).pName)
    End If


A link talks about it here:


Or there are two macros to download here (not tested):


Be careful when launching external macros, it is better to look at the code before launching it!


But I don't really understand "the goal being to integrate it into SmartProperties": at the launch of SmartProperties we would have to delete all the already existing properties?

If that's the case, the macro would have to launch only once!

One solution would be to create an additional property, such as Fichier_nettoye to set to 1 with this macro to make sure you don't delete the new properties!

In the smarproperties menu, you have a button that deletes all properties (see diagram)




Do you have the whole suite of MyCadTools tools or just SmartProperties?

If you have everything with the Integration utility you will be able to do what you want automatically on x files.





Thank you flegendre, exactly what I wanted to do, but I hadn't seen it.


Why is Ducros going crazy?


Thanks again