Constrained manipulation of mechanisms


I always have a lot of difficulty moving parts in an assembly under constraints. In other words, moving under constraints a part of a mechanism (for example the crank of a connecting rod-crank system) to put the studied mechanism in a particular configuration (position).

According to the study, manipulation under constraints is done by activating the SHIFT key and then moving the green compass positioned on one part. 

However, I spend a lot of time trying to move my mechanism, but I have a hard time getting to a desired place.

Do you have any ideas about this problem of positioning parts under constraints in an assembly?

I can't understand why it's so difficult in CATIA. He must have a trick with the compass... At least, I hope so...

Thank you in advance for your help

No, the only trick with the compass is the one you use.
For my part, I find it more comfortable than the compass to use the "manipulation" command (yellow on the image)
With the "stop on collision" command (green on the image) and the " under duress" option enabled.
Then I choose the type of movement (according to an axis, according to a plane, around an axis).



To have a more precise positioning via the compass, you can impose the movement step. To do this,  double-click on the compass and fill in the translational and rotation values according to u, v and w (as needed)  in the lower part of the window that opens (to delete, reset the values to 0).